EBC Poll: Coming To An End....

DING DING DING! Results Time! There were 17 responses.

They'll be posted in the following format:

Answer 1

Mode - XX%
Mean - XX
Medium - XX

Answer 2

Mode - XX%
Mean - XX
Medium - XX

etc etc

Analysis of question's results
Executive Government

What percentage would you rate the overall performance of Skizzy Grey's administration?

Mean- 83%
Mode - 80-89
Medium - 80-89

Well these high results don't come as any surprise at all. Especially when there are calls for Skizzy to run again. What effect will this have on the elections? Well... if people are looking for someone similar to Skizzy, a big impact!

How would you rate the Executive Government's performance in the following areas


Mean - Above-Average
Mode - Excellent [10 times]
Medium - Excellent

Foreign Affairs

Mean - Above-Average
Mode - Above-Average [9 times]
Medium - Above-Average


Mean - Average
Mode - Above-Average [6 times]
Medium - Above-Average


Mean - Above-Average
Mode - Above-Average [8 times]
Medium - Above-Average


Mean - Above-Average
Mode - Excellent [8 times]
Medium - Above-Average

Attorney General

Mean - Average
Mode - Average [7 times]
Medium - Average


Mean - Average
Mode - Excellent/Average [5 times]
Medium - Above-Average

Big results and some mixed messages. Recruitment having the most mixed messages and Navy coming out highest. Culture has also done well and that is a big credit to Lethen who's managed to make the 'unworkable' department well.... workable. Welcoming as well has seen a downturn since the last EBC poll but, as pointed out numerous times, activity makes good results in these polls

How would you rate the individual performances of the following Executive members

President: Skizzy Grey

Mean - 90%
Mode - 80-89 [8 times]
Medium - 80-89

Vice-President: Common-Sense Politics

Mean - 82%
Mode - 70-79 [6 times]
Medium - 70-79

Grand Admiral: Apollo

Mean - 84%
Mode - 90-100 [7 times]
Medium - 70-79

Foreign Affairs: Sopo

Mean - 85%
Mode - 80-89 [7 times]
Medium - 80-89

Culture: Lethen

Mean - 88%
Mode - 70-79 [7 times]
Medium - 80-89

Welcoming: Abbey Anumia

Mean - 68%
Mode - 80-89 [4 times]
Medium - 60-69

Media: Vinage

Mean - 88%
Mode - 80-89 [6 times]
Medium - 80-89

Interior: Rachel

Mean - 72%
Mode - 70-79 [5 times]
Medium - 70-79

Attorney General: Hyanygo

Mean - 74%
Mode - 40-49/90-100 [4 times]
Medium - 70-79

So some real positive results there for some and, generally, the cabinet has come out positively. Really interesting results for Hy' and Abbey where they've got some low results mixed with some real high ones. Hy' specifically here.

Any further comments?

They have all done very well.

This has been a phenomenal administration in many areas. Navy, Culture, Media...it was excellent on all fronts. Foreign Affairs, Interior and Attorney General were slightly less visible, but were far from terrible by any means.

Would've liked to see more out of Abbey and Rachel. Vinage has done decent work but I think the Ministry of Media has failed to serve a purpose again. A more visible Skizzy would have been nice but a very solid term indeed. Apollo's done very well as has Sopo in his short time in office. Lethen's been arguably the most active member of Cabinet.

Legislative Government

How would you rate the overall performance of the Senate?

Mean - 68%
Mode - 70-79 [9 times]
Medium - 70-79

How would you rate the overall performance of the following Senators?


Mean - 82%
Mode - 90-100 [5 times]
Medium - 70-79

Cerian Quilor

Mean - 57%
Mode - 0-9 [5 times]
Medium - 50-59

Peaceful Llamas

Mean - 42%
Mode - 0-9 [5 times]
Medium - 30-39


Mean - 57%
Mode - 70-79 [4 times]
Medium - 50-59


Mean - 57%
Mode - 70-79 [5 times]
Medium - 50-59


Mean - 65%
Mode - 70-79 [5 times]
Medium - 60-69

Thomas Materson

Mean - 42%
Mode - 0-9 [6 times]
Medium - 30-39

Well, really, those are some low results across the board. Mal' and Sopo being the only ones in an 'acceptable' 60+%. There are also a lot of individuals coming out with the lowest total as their most commonly selected choice. However, for some, it looks like they have some really mixed results in regards to their popularity. Notolecta being one of those.

How would you rate the overall performance of the City Council?

Mean - 53%
Mode - 50-59/60-69/70-79 [3 times]
Medium - 50-59

How would you rate the overall performance of the following Mayors?


Mean - 42%
Mode - 0-9 [5 times]
Medium - 40-49


Mean - 58%
Mode - 70-79/80-89 [3 times]
Medium - 50-59

Seven Deaths

Mean - 63%
Mode - 50-59 [6 times]
Medium - 60-69

Generally it seems to have been a bad term for the City Council with some really poor results. However, that said, there seems to be some hope in Seven Deaths who's, so far, got a slightly positive first week in term. Nothing spectacular but nothing terrible - maybe a slower burner?

Any further comments on the Senate or City Council?

Both seem to be irrelevant at this point. After the law reforms, there were no more excuses for the Senate to be complacent. To their credit, they haven't made any but the production and activity aren't there. There's no energy, no ideas. Little discussion, even. As for the City Council, well, we all know that story.

The Senate has been woeful for the past couple of terms. Basic and highly visible errors have gone unchecked, and the Senate has little to show for its time. Most of the work on the Law Reforms is in fact simply continuations on work done in previous terms, and even here, errors were made which took away from the quality of our 'new and improved' laws. After the Law Reforms, little more went on. Some Senators have been incredibly inactive, other Senators have been just plain incompetent and the whole Senate should be slapped on the wrist for missing some of the errors which entered into Law. It's particularly shameful that the Court saw fit to condemn the Senate for poor legislative insight during a recent judgement.. As for the City Council, little can be said; some good matter was debated, but at other times, they were plagued by inactivity.

Judicial Government

Mean - 83%
Mode - 70-79 [7 times]
Medium - 70-79

Don't really need to make much of an analysis on this one since the results speak for themselves. Skizzy's nominations and direction with the Judiciary have gone down very well and we seem to have the right balance currently.


Overall the Executive Government has come out much-much better than the legislative Government which is a turnaround from previous times. What do these results mean for those wanting to get elected to the role of President? Well of the two candidates already coming out it looks quite even. For the Senate? Promising, and delivering, activity will be a good start - second to that would be legislation. New legislation preferably.

Results tallied by Vinage. Analysis made by Citizen X
I'm floored by my scores. Thanks, folks.

Rachel and Hy deserved better. In Rachel's case, I think it's just the timing of the poll -- after she had been in her role for a while, but before the staggering success of our renewed manual recruitment efforts became obvious. As before, Hy has a few haters dragging down his scores, but it also seems that other folks don't appreciate all the work Hy put into the new law index.
It seems like everyone got what was coming to them in this poll. The writing is on the wall. :)

Edit: To clarify, I mean in general. Some individuals got ratings that are a bit harsh...or otherwise a bit generous.
If people were judging from a full term perspective, the ratings for myself make sense. I think it was always a bit of a difficult period from a "visibility" sense. The job was to prepare for the end of scripts and we were very successful from the start. So it was "Let's get ready and then wait for the end of scripts to come!".

So we waited.

And waited....

And then we were so bored, we updated things no one had updated in years (literally).

And BAM, now we are back! :p

But what people have to realize as well, is that you CAN'T be overhyping things that just aren't coming. That is bad advertising. People would have grown sick of the idea of recruitment. The wild success of the Interior Ministry after the scripts ending shows that the current strategy has been solid. Perhaps we should have touted our own horns more, but I think that there isn't much more people could have expected from us.
I didn't give anyone a top rating in this poll, because I didn't see anyone who deserved it.

From the start, this term had a load of wildcards. Some were 'above average', like Lethen, who greatly impressed me. But it took a while for him to get going, and so I hesitated to give him the top score.

Apollo came toward the top as well, very solid work. Would not mind a President Apollo after the effort I saw from him in the Navy.

Sopo has done a very strong job, but he didn't have a full term to work through, so I rated him generously, but not the best.

Hyanygo...actually impressed me. I was not one of the haters. However, despite his strong work in the Law Index, I do not know whether the AG deserved the promotion to the Cabinet. Only time will tell.

Rachel got a decent score from me, but it was hard to judge off the limited time she saw action. A solid plan, a very solid response to the shift back to manual, but not enough time for me to rate her at the top.

Vinage in Media could have done more. What was done was...good...but what could have been done would have been incredible. This isn't a diss at Vinage, because I know he had his hands full in the WA, but this particular Ministry had (and still has) more potential in my eyes.

Abbey...was a crapshot in this Cabinet. She is brilliant, friendly, and a great person. But she also is intelligent in real life too, and has real life issues to sort away, and I worried she might not have time for this role when Skizzy appointed her. Welcoming was...what it was...but like Media, it could be so much more, no matter how it is ultimately set up. It should not be one person hauling through all the work, but a Minister should have the time to do that if nobody else steps up.

Now...the Senate.. While I gave averageish - above averageish scores to the Cabinet, I went much lower on the Senate.

Speaker Malashaan got a solid score from me, but not perfect. He is a brilliant editor and he weighs all ideas proposed, but I haven't seen many original ideas within the Senate from him. Nothing that really inspires me. But he was probably the high end of this Senate.

Cerian Quilor...I feel like lots of his contributions in the Senate were often short and often just notes of agreement. But he bothered to show up, and it isn't a struggle to find his name. Again, not impressed, but I would probably vote for Cerian.

Peaceful Llamas, I felt much the same way. I was really excited for him the last election, but didn't end up really driving the Senate anywhere. He offers some interesting opinions, but it's honestly harder to find his name in Senate threads than Cerian.

Notolecta, I didn't give a great score, but in retrospect he should have gotten a bit better. He always seemed to at least have something to say, even if I disagree with him much of the time. Probably 'above average' for this Senate.

Apollo did a great job in the navy, but his Senate performance was pretty weak in comparison.

Masterson I went to the floor with.

Sopo got a strong ranking from me. He always seemed to contribute, though like Malashaan, fell short on seeming to have groundbreaking ideas.

All in all, I disagree with Skizzy. I think this Senate was... mediocre. A lot of discussion over minutia, that some Senators only somewhat attended.
The population grew. I don't think anyone expected that would occur, given that when our previous manual best was around 1,200. We declined from that point on, so to grow/maintain ~1,300 is pretty impressive and due to recruiters like Apollo and Notolecta.
I didn't give any new comments because usually people beat me too it.

Here's the biggest thing, guys. Europeia has been writing laws for five years. Before the Law Reforms, we'd pretty much legislated almost everything that needed legislating, and in large part, I feel that Constitution V (which is incredibly close to Constitution IV) and the Law Reforms (Which kept a majority of laws nearly the same if not exactly so) were as much to create Senate activity as because they were actually really needed.

I'm a little surprised I didn't break 60%, and that the number I got the most was so low...well, kind of appauled. And I feel much better about my choice not to run for Senate again this term, if people are going to give low ratings to the Senators for not legislating things that don't need legislating.

Europeia's laws cover, at this point, pretty much everything that needs to be covered. Yes, there may be errors, loopholes, etc, but unless things happen to make them noticed, just re-reading the laws in the archives aren't going to bring anything to the Senator's attention, overall.

This is one of the reasons I absolutely HATE the 'we have had a consensus on this, so let's stick to it' arguement. Its led to a certain degree of legislative stagnation. It may be true that those new/old ideas don't work, but hell, let's actually try to find ways that DO work then. A past conensus doesn't mean the modern one is the same, and if you're going to complain about activity, nothing create activity like kicking over sacred anthills.
I'd like to stick up for Cerian here, as well as myself an Mal for our "lack of new ideas." I, for one, have never marketed myself as an "ideas" guy, with the possible exception of my first few runs. My strong libertarian streak has always led me to be a crusader against useless/stupid legislation, a role I take great pride in. I have spearheaded many efforts to kill bills before they even make it to the law books. Throughout my entire Senate career, I have proposed two, maybe three, pieces of legislation, and even then they were probably repeals (notably "Repeal 'InvisionFree Terms of Use Act'"). My record shows, in fact, I hate new ideas. I want to kill them.

The other problem, which Cerian highlights, is that, well, there aren't many good ideas left. We have an excellent library of laws, and a lot of the "new" ideas are why our Law Index was so... abhorrent in the first place. I'd rather see a Senate that truly considers the worth of new legislation, even if that means they pass none. That said, I would like to see an active Senate, and that's where CSP's push for approval of/dissent from executive policy comes into play. Not my favorite idea, but it will keep Senators talking. Rather than pushing for new ideas for legislation, the Senate should work on thinking of other ways to stay relevant and active when there isn't legislation that needs legislated.

Finally, I want to thank those who participated in the survey for my good ratings. When it comes to the Senate, though, some of my colleagues were certainly deserving of better (PL and TM got basically what they deserved, though, I think).
The population grew. I don't think anyone expected that would occur, given that when our previous manual best was around 1,200. We declined from that point on, so to grow/maintain ~1,300 is pretty impressive and due to recruiters like Apollo and Notolecta.
Again..."wild success". Think about it.