While we wait for our panelists' responses, I thought it high time to provide another snapshot of the election results so far, here at the 4 and a half hour mark into the election! Behold the results so far:
The numbers have remained rather stable, but with two changes compared to when SkyGreen posted several hours ago: Cordova has pulled ahead of Caldrasa, with a three vote margin between the two. John Laurens has sunk to exactly 50% of the vote, meaning he is exactly one vote away from achieving the majority required as of now. If the election were to be called now, we'd have Cordova, Sopo, Calvin, Sanju, Andusre, and Rand filling the next Senate.
Additionally, I thought it interesting to take a look at the exit poll results so far! Don't forget to
take the poll if you voted in this election! So far, our 18 respondents (out of 38 total votes) paint the following picture:
A high degree of diversity among respondents in how many votes they chose to cast! 16.8% of respondents chose to cast more votes than they would've been able to under the old system. Over half of respondents chose to cast between 5 and 7 of their available votes (the total being 10).
This more or less corresponds with respondent preferred Senate size, behold:
Only one out of 18 respondents would prefer an 8 person Senate, the rest is distributed relatively evenly across the 5-7 range.
If we're to believe our respondents, this is not a result of deliberate strategy, as the overwhelming majority of respondents indicated they did not take expected Senate size into account when casting their votes:
As for newcomer opportunity, a third of respondents did not care for experience in general, but of those who did, far more indicated they were more willing to give newer people a shot in the Senate:
That's all for now! I eagerly await the reactions of my good panelists
@upc and