EBC Interviews: World Assembly Delegate Elias Greyjoy

Seven Deaths: Welcome Citizens of Europeia, Ambassadors and Esteemed Guests to another exciting interview. Here with me is newly elected World Assembly Delegate Elias Greyjoy. Elias, thank you for joining me today. How are you?

Elias Greyjoy: I'm well, thank you for having me.

SD: Oh, I assure you that the pleasure is all mine, but let's get down to business. How's it feel to take up the mantle of Delegate? Vinage was the longest serving Delegate in Europeian history. Big shoes to fill there.

EG: It actually feels good to back in this position again. I've been out of the Delegate game for more than a year, and I have to tell you, I've missed being able to serve a region in that manner. The ERN showed me some great love during my time there, but I just couldn't let this opportunity pass me by - especially in a region with such rich history as Europeia. The WA has always grasped my attention, and I'm really excited to get back to reading and debating proposals, as well as continuing to learn the ins and outs of the WA.

SD: Now, I personally never really got interested in the WA. I always thought it was not at all relevant to my issues. How did you first get involved and what made you stay?

EG: My deep-seated interest began back when AMOM was active in the Security Council. This was probably mid to late 2011. The way he could just whip up the most elegant of proposals Condemning this or Commending that was really astounding to me. I really got more involved in my personal talks with him when I was drafting and researching for my Commendation proposal for him, which later turned out to be Security Council Resolution #75 - the first of six for me. I really latched on to the early community of the Security Council and preferred it's more tame and less-populated halls to that of the General Assembly.

SD: I see. Was that before or after Skyrim? You founded that region, correct?

EG: No - I was not the founder, just a long-time Delegate. But it would be appropriate to say that's when I became active in the WA and got interested in drafting proposals.

SD: Speaking of drafting proposals, recently you just proposed and got passed the Security Counsel Resolution 116, "Repeal Condemn True north" that was co-authored by our very own Vinage and Mousebumbles. Do you have any other proposals in waiting or is that hush hush?

EG: Well, I'm one Liberation proposal shy of the proverbial "full circle" in the SC, so I'd like to pursue that in the near future, but no, I don't have any drafts planned as of now. Though at this rate, I'm on track to pass SC#118, so perhaps I'd best get to finding something!

SD: Well, while we're on the subject I think "Commend Seven Deaths" has a nice ring to it. Don't you think?

EG: I don't know how the voting populous would react to commending one death, let alone seven! :p

SD: Note to self: Change name. Moving on, Anumia seemed very interested in the Delegate position as well. Indeed you, narrowly beat him for the job. Do you plan on bringing him into the fold and working with him?

EG: As I stated in my campaign thread in response to the lovely Rachel Anumia, I don't believe in any official policy of "vice delegacy" or what have you. So in any official, title-bearing capacity, I guess the answer is no. However, I certainly know who to go to should I be on a leave of absence or miss any critical WA matters. In creating a more effective WA sector in Europeia, however, there may be some titles to hand out and positions to be filled.

SD: Alright well, I think that just about wraps it up. Your record speaks for itself and we're sure you're going to do a fantastic job as our Delegate. Any final words before we depart?

EG: Just a big thank you to all those who supported my campaign and a great shout out to Anumia for a tight race and his support. Thank you, again, for having me, SD.

SD: It was great to you have you here. Thanks for joining us everyone and good night. MinComm out.