[EBC Interviews] A Chat With A Rising Star

A Chat With A Rising Star
EBC Correspondent ICH takes some time out of the election coverage to interview Airmadecat

Written by ICH

Anyone serving in Outreach, Communications, Gameside or Culture will have surely noticed Airmadecat’s active presence. Ever since he joined the region in the last half of 2023, he has been instrumental to the success of the departments he has been involved in, responding to the call of the Ministry whenever he is able to. He has written his first EBC article this term while sending 2,436 telegrams last week, second only to the Minister Sincluda! His consistency and dedication to his work have not gone unnoticed as 50% of the citizens have expressed a desire to see Air in the next Cabinet, according to the Executive Interest poll. So, we have taken some time out from our election coverage to have a nice little chat with this rising star which I hope would help you know more about such a talented Europeian!

ICH: What aspect of Europeia attracted you and led you to decide Euro to be your home?

Airmadecat: Honestly, I was a total newbie at the time. I didn’t know how anything worked, so I was pretty confused about the recruitment telegrams. I saw that there was this long-winded telegram from a region with a cool flag, so I thought: “Huh, seems pretty official. I should go there.” So I clicked on “Move Weeklingz Federation to Europeia'' and here I am!

ICH: How was your experience like in your first few days in Euro?

Airmadecat: My first few days in Euro were… pretty uneventful. I stayed put, isolating myself from the rest of Europeia by just answering issues, writing lore, or endorsing everyone in the region to get more endorsements. In fact, the only reason I became a citizen was to get more endorsements! How selfish of me :p It wasn’t after my citizenship expired and UPC told me about maintaining citizenship that I started to get more interested in the forums. For real this time.

ICH: Who was your first friend in Europeia?

Airmadecat: Oh my god I completely forgot!! Uh… checks notes I don’t think I actually had a first friend! I think I was just kinda… there. Until I joined some ministries and suddenly I got to know a lot more people, and I just made a lot of friends at once!

ICH: Which Ministries have you served in till now?

Airmadecat: I started out in Culture because I thought it would be fun to help brainstorm stuff for events, same for Gameside. Then I joined Communications because I was interested in writing (also a part of me thought you were a pretty cool person). After that, I went a little while without joining any more ministries… Until Sincluda, OUT OF NOWHERE, slides into my DMs to say “Hey, you should join Outreach!” Thus, now I’m a recruiter. I’ve recently joined FA as an ambassador so I can travel to lands far beyond our own archipelago and escape from the prison that is Europeia but so far nothing.

ICH: If you were given the option to helm any Ministry of your choice, which one would it be?

Airmadecat: GAMESIDE ALL THE WAY! Even though I’m way past being solely on gameside, I still think I owe it at least something for being where I started out in Europeia, or rather just nationstates in general!

ICH: What has been your most memorable Europeian event or incident?

Airmadecat: Definitely the previous presidential election. I remember how tense the atmosphere of the region was that day, with Elio taking the lead, then losing it, then the two candidates locked in a standstill until JayDee just barely pulled ahead long enough to win!

ICH: Which part of Europeia do you enjoy contributing the most in?

Airmadecat: I can’t decide. The excitement of planning events and collaborating with others in Culture and Gameside… The satisfaction of clicking ‘recruit’ for those 8 nations in queue before someone else can snipe it… The pride I got when I finished my first EBC article and it didn’t look like a complete dumpsterfire built by a five-year-old… The suspense awaiting a FA assignment (still waiting!)... I just enjoy it all!

ICH: Could you tell us more about your ambitions in Europeia? Which positions do you want to serve in the future and how you are working towards it?

Airmadecat: I think it’s been pretty obvious thus far that I’ve been… vague about a lot of things. It’s the same here also. I don’t know who I want to become in Europeia. Before I said that if I were to be offered any ministry, I would choose Gameside, but other times I wonder if I’m capable enough for the position. What can I, some random person that just happened to stumble my way through here, possibly hope to achieve? I think I should spend more time learning what I can do (at least for now), before I can decide on what I want to do.

ICH: Who has helped you the most with developing your Europeian career?

Airmadecat: I think Sincluda’s really helped me with my career, particularly in Outreach (you know, cause that’s literally his job ) by being so patient while answering all my questions about how to recruit like, “Oh, what does this button do?” or “Hey, do we still use this template?” I can’t count out the rest of Europeia though, a lot of other people have helped me simply by just being supportive and fun to be around!

ICH: How do you feel we can make it easier for newcomers to participate in the region? What steps do you suggest us to take?

Airmadecat: Seeing Sincluda’s recent paper really helped me with this one. Basically, it seems that gamesiders aren’t really involved with the government because the government isn’t really involved with gameside. There’s long been this “divide” between Gameside Europeia and Forumside Europeia. `We’ve essentially relied on resources like our helpful dispatches, or welcoming telegrams to get Gameside to cross over to the forums. Obviously this has worked, with people applying for citizenship and all that. But what if Forumside Europeia crosses over to Gameside Europeia? What I’m thinking is that some ministries could post some updates in the RMB to let residents know what the forums are doing, like how GK posted recently recorded radio shows in the RMB last week!

ICH: Thank you Air for your time!

This is a great article and Air definitely deserves the recognition! Thanks for putting this together
In fact, the only reason I became a citizen was to get more endorsements!
Oh my god no way, that's why I got citizenship too! (It was 4 years ago but still). I had no idea this "pathway" was still possible!

This is a very good and interesting interview, thank you ICH and Air!
My only problem with Air is that he threatens my recruitment throne (I was checking reports for the last week and saw he was ahead of me and desperately tried to get back in front). Otherwise he’s been a fantastic person and hard worker. He contributes so much to the weekly roleplay news and it’s actually quite compelling to read!
escape from the prison that is Europeia
I hate to be the one to break this to you but... there is no escape. We're keeping you now.
Yea but we're a cool progressive prison. The doors are never really locked. I mean I'm a warden and Ist is a guard so how mean can the prison administration be...

This was a great interview! Always excited to see new members get their dues
My only problem with Air is that he threatens my recruitment throne (I was checking reports for the last week and saw he was ahead of me and desperately tried to get back in front).
Well lucky for you (and unlucky for me) I'll be on a plane for most of the day!!
Oh my god no way, that's why I got citizenship too! (It was 4 years ago but still). I had no idea this "pathway" was still possible!
It is very much possible! In fact, I've checked out some other regions before and 90% (ish) of them had at least one person asking "how to get more endorsements?"
Lovely interview! A very enjoyable read and it's amazing to see a new player really enjoy the game!