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TEP Elections Conclude
American-Cascadia, more commonly known domestically as 'I'm Dead' (from here on referred to as ID), has won The East Pacific's Delegate elections. The 30 vote election had a broad slate of candidates to choose from, but ended up being overall uncompetitive, with ID achieving a landslide 21 vote victory with the runner-up earning only two votes. ID ran on a campaign of further promoting the successful state media as well as integrating cultural events further into Foreign Affairs, among other things.
The EBC reached out to ID for comment, who replied: "All I would like to share is that I'm [happy] the people chose me, because I have many ideas to better the region and get it more active." The EBC congratulates ID on their victory and wishes them the best in putting those ideas into practice.
TEP and NBB Formalise Relations
The East Pacific and The Region That Has No Big Banks have signed the Money Heist Accords, formally becoming allies. NBB Minister of Foreign Affairs Faralried states in the announcement: "On behalf of everyone in TRTHNBB we are super excited to open this chapter of our relationship with TEP!"
AA and LWU Form Alliance
The Augustin Alliance and Lone Wolves United have approached each other to sign a friendship treaty. The treaty involves standard mutual defense and intelligence clauses alongside most notably World Assembly collaboration, which binds both sides to promoting each others' endeavours in the WA, including Commendation and Condemnation declaration efforts as well as preservation. The announcement AA-side was made by Diplomatic Officer Haymarket Riot, who is also the minister of World Assembly Affairs in The North Pacific.
Approval Voting Introduced to Europeia
The referendum on the rewrite of the Elections Act has resulted in the introduction of Approval Voting (AV) to Europeia. 36 citizens voted in the referendum, making it the lowest referendum turnout in over four years across 15 referenda. The bill passed by gaining 53% of votes in favour, a 2 vote victory margin. Author of the rewrite Senator Rand responded to the result, saying: "Honestly surprised by the result, but glad my fellow citizens are open minded."
AV has been a hot topic of debate in the region, having been the subject of a Radio show and subsequent article in the EBC, following extensive debate by the citizenry. The next General Election is in approximately 20 days, which will thus feature AV. You can read more about legislative affairs in the latest Senate Week in Review, author Kasaria.
World Assembly
The proposal currently up for vote in the General Assembly is titled "Repeal "Protection of Biomedical Research." The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs has recommended a vote for the proposal, stating: "feasibility issues are a tangible problem, as the target does not take into account resource constraints. The false positives and negatives may result in ethical dilemmas and resources delay, and the ambiguity of the interpretation of sapience and sentience is also an issue in and of itself."
In the Security Council, a proposal titled "The Great Costume Party" is up for vote. The proposal involves the creation of a haunted house and the commitment to hosting several events in relation to the festivities of Halloween, including a costume party. The MoWAA has not yet provided an IFV for the proposal, for which the vote ends in 2 days time. Keep your eyes out in the ministry's subforum for its release!
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