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New Sinkers and TRR Sign Memorandum of Understanding
The two newest Sinker regions recently added to the game, The Plains of Perdition (PoP) and The Outback (TO) have signed a memorandum of understanding with each other and The Rejected Realms (TRR). Delegate Rhaza of PoP released a statement signed by all three parties affirming mutual recognition of government and recruitment standards. Additionally, the memorandum of understanding includes a clause stating that "all regions agree to communicate and avoid returning significant threats to one another through a process deemed 'Non-Extradition'," this process is set to be determined by "a communications channel involving the leadership of all regions." You can read the full statement and memorandum of understanding here.
Comfed Appointed TNP MoFA
After an unexpected (IC) leaking incident caused former MoFA of The North Pacific Hulldom's resignation, Comfed has been appointed to the position. Comfed was previously a first-time MoFA under Kaschovia's government earlier this year, starting in January, until his resignation under Simone's government in late June, citing "real life work and family reasons."
Carcassonne Announces New Executive Representation
Carcassonne's Executive is to be led by a new Minister-President, name Aason. A Carcassonne news release mentions that Aason "has conducted Carcassonne's "Question of the Day" on the RMB for some time, [and] campaigned on a platform of maintaining and increasing activity, as well as reorganizing the Grand Army." The election featured three candidates, the others being The Pyros and Dragonia.
Dilber Retires as TWP Guardian
Dilber, a well known former Delegate of The West Pacific, has stepped down as Guardian (a sort of security officer). An update from TWP notifies us that Noton Mast, otherwise known as 'C4', will acceding to the position of Guardian. According to the update, Noton Mast has "served with incredible skill and dedication as Director of Recruitment and [in the military]."
World Assembly
The proposal currently up for vote in the General Assembly is titled "Repeal: “Sustainable Forest Management”" The proposal aims to repeal the target which regulates the lumber industry and imposes related restrictions on member states. The proposal argues that the target resolution is "a bloated resolution with a preposterously vast jurisdiction used for bizarre ends," as well as "imposes significant restrictions on the harvest of lumber for commercial use within member states," which it argues unfairly hurts "simple artisans, craftsmen, and other traders." The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs has not yet recommended a vote for the proposal.
In the Security Council, the proposal "Repeal: “All We Want for Christmas Is You”" is at vote. The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs has recommended a vote for the proposal, stating that "The Ministry appreciates the commitment from the author in keeping with the hallowed Christmas song for their repeal. In addition, given that SC#482 is a joke proposal, as stated by both the original author and many others, it is always great to see our Security Council cleansed of them."
As always, make sure to check out upcoming IFVs in the MoWAA subforum!