EBC Culinary Conversation: Minister of Interior Grandfather Clock

EBC Culinary Conversation: Minister of Interior Grandfather Clock
In the second instalment of the series, Grandfather Clock (GC) takes us on a truly unique culinary journey

Written by Lime

Which region of the RL world are you from?

I am from Canada, Ontario if that narrows it down.

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Credit: Google Maps

Is there a regional dish or delicacy your region is or should be known for? How is it prepared? Do you know its history?

Oh goodness! Well, everyone talks about poutine but that's not really regional to here. I'll talk about beavertails instead because they were first "invented" close by. Beavertails are a big piece of flat dough that is deep fried (that's where the name comes from) and then it's topped with a whole bunch of things but the classic is cinnamon sugar and lemon. The brand started out in the late 70s but it's such a simple thing that I imagine it's been around for a while.

Oh they sound delicious! And a lot more innocent than I was expecting! What then, is your comfort food?

Well I don't know if it's a comfort food, but I wouldn't be able to survive without club soda or sparkling water or seltzer, anything in that realm. Can't get enough of it!!

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Credit: GC

Your have a reputation in Europeia for enjoying bizarre or unusual food combinations. Could you list maybe your top three unusual food combos?

My Top 3 would absolutely be:
1. Raisins, cashews, and mustard.
2. Fruit loops, fried rice, and ketchup
3. Feta cheese and molasses

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Credit: GC

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Credit: GC

Those are some of the combinations that didn't try to kill me

What are three unusual combinations you'd like to try in the future?

Anything with chocolate and something salty!! Last time I did chocolate with green beans and capers and it was alright. Before that, chocolate and chickpea water which was VILE but I am looking to make it work.

Is there anything at all that you once ate that no one could ever make you eat again? How did it happen?

Cinnamon red hot pickled eggs. I made one of them and I ate it - it was super gross. Plus I got really really sick with food poisoning afterwards, which I think says something about my pickling skills.

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Credit: GC

Do you have a go-to dinner? How do you prepare it?

I don't think I have a go-to dinner, no. Normally I just cook on a whim and that's how lots of these things happen. I just open the cupboard or fridge and grab a few things and put them all together. If all else fails, club soda and eat later.

Is there any food that you now associate with NS and/or Europeia?

A food I associate with Euro? Probably cinnamon toast crunch after that thread. NS as a whole I'm not sure if I really have any associations, no.

After suffering from food poisoning due to your cinnamon red hot pickled eggs, doctors worry that you won't make it through the night. What would you choose to have as your last meal?

You know, I may be basing this off my cravings right now but I really feel like something like club soda, a bowl of olives (either a specific brand of Kalamata or the pimento stuffed green ones), with a couple handfuls of raw spinach with some kind of sauce. Oh and you know what, since it's my last meal, I might as well eat some metal. I've always wondered. Probably eat the pop can afterwards.


Aluminium. Like you know that metallic taste right? But have you ever eaten metal? Like I'm not gonna make it through the night I might as well find out. There's that person who ate a Cessna. An idol for me.

Our second instalment probably made everyone worry about GC, and put you off food for a while. We hope you've enjoyed this unique culinary trip and that you now know more about our Minister of Interior GC!
cancels plans for dinner with GC.

I love GC, lots. However, his culinary decisions are borderline insane and I would question if he has ever sought support on this matter. Who the hell eats mustard and raisins together? That sounds like the food you would get in a torture chamber. Which reminds me. Blink twice if you're being held captive, GC.
thank you, I lost my appetite and am going to fast for like a year

but great work highlighting how insane that food is!
@Kazaman i think we should reconsider having gc on our cabinet. i simply can not abide by these crimes against cuisine
This is fast becoming my favourite series. That being said, while I could harp on GC for mentioning disgusting dishes that should probably be examined by the High Court... I have to admit cooking/making up similarly abhorrent food in my lean college years. So... let they who are without sin... ?