Early Polling Shows Clear Lead For Upcoming Presidential Election


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Common-Sense Politics Holds Clear Lead Over Incumbent Darcness
Written by Monkey
Published 2 February 2022

This was a quick poll to gauge where candidates stood before the upcoming Presidential debate. The results are as follows:




I think the biggest takeaway here is that CSP has a commanding lead over the Darcness ticket, which clocks in at less than 20% support in this poll. Another question, that asks who they think will win, suggests that Darc's odds of winning are even lower. I don't think the satisfaction with the field tells us anything that we don't know.


  • Having worked alongside both CSP and WL before, the fact that they presented a well-thought out and detailed platform is no surprise to me, nor should it be to anyone that has been in the region for any extended period of time. Both have extensive experience in the Executive and just as members of the region, having lots of first-hand knowledge of the various ebbs and flows of how things operate.
  • A detailed, actionable vision for the region and a glaring contrast to their opponent who appears to be on autopilot.
  • Lovely platform,unique style that still provides substance. Between the two of them CSP/Gleg served 11 terms as President, they know how this region ticks
  • A lengthy, innovative platform that correctly identifies the largest problems facing our region and offers thought-out and achievable solutions.
  • Well put together, a mostly clear vision.
  • Hit all the right notes, very statesmanlike


  • Really wish he had done more to address this current term's missteps and laid out a clearer and more enthusiastic platform on what he would do to not see those missteps happen again. I don't think we are really seeing that.
  • There’s not much in the way of… well anything really in the Darc/Pichto platform
  • It's a slap in the face to the community that Darcness waited a full week after standing to post a nothing burger.
  • An acknowledgement of this term's shortcomings can't just consist of a half-sentence, let alone one given by the new VP instead of the president himself. I was really hoping for some deep introspection on this term and a strong vision for the next one, but I was clearly too optimistic. As it currently stands, Darc/Pichto is not a viable ticket for me.
  • A lot shorter than the other platform, and it's about 30% shorter than Darc's previous platform. Sometimes brevity is a good sign, but this time it just feels lacking
  • It came out much thinner and less "big picture inspirational" than I thought it would
  • No mention of Comms despite the fact that Comms was a disaster this term due to Darc’s changes and shoddy personnel management
  • This platform indeed mentions topics that are important, and proposes solutions with some merit, yet it’s extremely barebones, and leaves me wishing I could have more information on exactly what a second Darcness/Pichtonia term would look like.
  • Have some good groundwork that I wish was done last year, but I still want done, and I know would be done with another term.
  • Terribly boring platform with no course corrections from this mediocre term

Final Comments:
  • I feel bad for Pichtonia.
  • I feel like Darcness has been operating with the assumption that if you act as if everything is normal, everyone will believe everything is normal. But it's not.
  • none of the platforms have blown me away, or made me super excited. both have some good ideas though
Here, some of Darc's lower polling numbers is explained; while CSP finds almost universal satisfaction with his platform, most of Darc's responses indicated that they were dissatisfied with the platform, which is reflected in the comments here, as well as on the campaign threads.

So what do you think? Is there room for Darc to rebound before the election? Will the debate make a difference in support?
Quite the intense results, I'm not really sure how much the debate can make a difference though, a lot of the feelings seem to be strong here.

Great article, Monkey! I do have a question, how many people answered the poll?
I think something we're seeing here, but not stated, it's that Europeians had wanted a strong showing from Darcness this past term following the Lime Presidency and for various reasons, we just didn't get it. And when CSP/WL lay out a fairly comprehensive platform that isn't contested by the Darcness/Pichtonia ticket in a way that resonates with the Europeian citizenry, it leads to the lopsided results we're seeing. Can Darcness secure another term? There's always a remote chance, but without some major upset or dramatic alteration of course in the final days before the election, I'm not sure we'll see that happen.