Chasing Gold: Part the Fourth
A Joint Collaboration Between The Arnhelm Review and the Europeian Research Institute
We're back for yet another installment of good ol' election tracking with the upcoming First Minister election. We're now prepared to share our opening numbers with you so you can watch the race progress, deliberate, and speculating about the many ways that you can inch the lines in the direction you want to cause mass chaos (because there's nothing more Europeian than election chaos, right?).
Projected First Round Vote Share:
McEntire/Monkey: 52.27%
Xecrio/Ervald: 47.73%
Disclaimer: This note is much more experimental than our projected vote share number and as such may be subject to large fluctuations and/or inaccuracies while we test it out.
McEntire/Monkey: 56.37%
Xecrio/Ervald: 43.63%
McEntire/Monkey: The Last First Minister
Xecrio/Ervald: Upward and More
- Senator Darkslayer
- Senator and Associate Justice Prim
- WA Delegate Aexnidaral Seymour
- Supreme Chancellor Lethen
- Arnhelm Mayor Forilian
- Councillor of Coordination and Senator Peeps
- Honored Citizen Sopo
- Vice Chancellor Deepest House
- Honored Citizen Common Sense Politics
- Outgoing First Minister Istillian
- Founder HEM
- Minister of Culture Olde Delaware
- Minister of Radio and Senator Calvin Coolidge
- Euro Weekly Founder Lime
- Former Minister of Culture United Vietussia
- Seva
This race is one of the closest in recent memory and perhaps calls back to the DAX/Istilian v. Calvin/Rachael election about half a year ago, which ended up being decided in a close Senate vote after a runoff tie. This race will certainly come down to just a few voters, so it's more important than ever that no matter who you support, get out and vote!
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