UPC Wins A Fourth Term
UPC/GK seize another term in office
Written by Vor
The three-way Presidential election that opened yesterday, October 11, has just been concluded. UPC/GK, running for the third time together, have won a first-round victory against challengers Vor/Andusre and Ellenburg/Cordova I. 61 total votes were cast by Europeian citizens, down from last election's 66 votes, where UPC/GK ran uncontested. The winning ticket garnered 32 votes this time around, three votes over the majority required for a first-round victory. Vor/Andusre managed to collect 17 votes, while Ellenburg/Cordova I ended at 12 votes.
UPC will be serving as Europeian President for the fourth consecutive time, having won his first victory with running mate Sanjurika three terms prior in March, over 200 days ago. The topic of long-serving presidents was a significant subject of debate during the election, alongside (most prominently) debates on foreign policy and war prosecution.
The President and Vice President have scheduled a cabinet reveal show, in which they will announce the ministers they intend to nominate for office which are to be confirmed by the Europeian Senate. The show will be taking place on the Discord Stage in the Europeian server at 8PM EDT/12 AM GMT (exact timestampt viewable in your timezone in the Discord, check the #shows-n-streams channel).
You can view comments and perspectives posted during the voting period in the EBC Election Liveblog, hosted by SkyGreen.
The High Executive has released their Cabinet nominations and presented them to the Senate for consideration. They are:
Attorney General - @SkyGreen
Gameside - @Caldrasa
Outreach - @Istillian
Media - @Vor
World Assembly Affairs - @Cyborg
Culture - @Sarah
Europeian Republican Navy (Grand Admiral) - @Andusre
Foreign Affairs - @Sincluda
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