[Beyond the Borders] Third Inter-Regional Chat Poll Results and Analysis

Third Inter-Regional Chat Poll Results and Analysis
How the Inter-Regional Chat Has Fared After Nearly Three Months of Existence

Written by Giovanniland

From June 23 to June 26, the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC) conducted its third poll regarding the topic of the Inter-Regional Chat (IRC), nearly three months after the IRC was opened to the public on April 8. Twenty-seven people answered the poll, two more in comparison to the previous poll on the same subject. This poll comes after a sharp decline in activity within the IRC, which was also the topic of an opinion article by private outlet Monkey's Musings. Respondents were asked about their major concerns with the IRC and possible solutions, about which you can read more below!

Membership of the IRC
Forms response chart. Question title: Are you currently a member of the IRC?. Number of responses: 27 responses.
I rarely post
Active-ish member, though not exclusively through Europeia
It's a much more convenient way to socialise with other regions than being in a billion servers and checking them all
It's alright but not active.
Like I said last time this kind of poll was done, I joined initially and was greatly underwhelmed. So I left.
I try to be active sometime
I'm there.
Still a member, although I haven't checked the server as often as before.

The first question measured respondents' membership in the IRC. Most of them (81.5%) responded that they are members, with only four stating the contrary, and one saying that they were a former member but decided to leave. This was the only question that also appeared in the previous IRC poll, in which the results were 80% (20) 'Yes' and 20% (5) 'No,' so there was a slight increase in IRC members that answered each poll. Some comments were supportive of the server. For example, one respondent opined that "it's a much more convenient way to socialise with other regions [rather] than being in a billion servers and checking them all." However, there were negative comments as well, such as a respondent who "joined initially and was greatly underwhelmed, so left." Something that can also be taken from this question is that the general inactivity of the server was also acknowledged by members themselves, such as one commenter who remarked that they rarely post, and another who said they "haven't checked the server as often as before."

Overall Performance of the IRC
Forms response chart. Question title: How satisfied are you with the overall performance of the IRC server?. Number of responses: 27 responses.
It's just NSGP 2.0 but quieter.
Extremely inactive, poorly implemented
I think its going swell
The admins work fairly slowly, but they've also been professional
Sucks, Would prefer at this point that onder and NES just admit that it's their own version of NSGP
I can't be dissatisfied but it's just not active at all.
It's gone quiet.
Feel a bit odd saying this since I was only in the server briefly, but I said "dissatisfied" because of everything we've found out after the server was opened up. It's just a cluster.
is a bit slow eh?
Expected? There were some problems but I'm fine with that
I guess it's okay?

The second question asked members about their opinion on the IRC's overall performance. The IRC received a very low satisfaction rating of 29.6%, with none of these respondents being very satisfied. Instead, a majority of respondents were dissatisfied, with eight of them stating that they were simply dissatisfied, while five expressed that they were very dissatisfied. Finally, four people noted that they were neutral, and two did not know or had no opinion on the question. The comments and subsequent questions may help shed light on why the IRC achieved such a low satisfaction rating. The concern of activity was mentioned several times; for example, one commenter stated that the server was "extremely inactive" and "poorly implemented," while another remarked that they "can't be dissatisfied but it's just not active at all." Other comments criticized the similarity with the NSGP server, and there were a few comments that were neither negative nor supportive, which means that public opinion about the IRC isn't great, something that will be hopefully explained in the questions further along this poll.

Concerns with the IRC
Forms response chart. Question title: Do you have any concerns with the IRC?. Number of responses: 27 responses.
Forms response chart. Question title: If you answered yes to the previous question, what are your major concerns with the IRC? Check all that apply.. Number of responses: 27 responses.
We could work on other things if the server were actually active, so that's my main concern.
Clearly this project had a good start, but no-one is moving is promoting further. Many new citizens in Europeia have mentioned that they don't know what it is and don't have easy access to it.
I guess the admins seem to be a bit slow with requests?
Maybe it would be nice to have activities there.
More organised activities needed
The channels and categories are too similar to those of NSGP.

The next set of questions asked respondents to state if they had any concerns with IRC, and explain these concerns if the answer to the previous question was 'Yes.' A clear majority of 88.9% expressed that they did indeed have concerns, paralleling the low satisfaction rating seen in the previous question, while only three respondents did not have any concerns. In the following question, the most often cited concern was activity, with 23 respondents (85.2%) mentioning it. After activity, membership (29.6%) and communication between leadership and members (25.9%) were both pointed out by over a quarter of people that took the poll. Meanwhile, administration and/or moderation (22.2%), the Board (22.22%), and channels and categories (14.8%) weren't acknowledged as a major concern as often as the others, but still had a significant minority point them out. Finally, some respondents also chose the "other" option and explained themselves in the comments. These concerns were mainly a lack of IRC-specific activities—a concern shared by two comments—as well as a lack of promotion, with one commenter remarking that "many new citizens in Europeia have mentioned that they don't know what it is and don't have easy access to it."

Looking into the Future of the IRC
Forms response chart. Question title: Should Europeia pull out of the IRC?. Number of responses: 27 responses.
Anime girl emojis
I hope that the new event features (announcements channel, stage channel) will make it a more attractive venue for the member regions.
Encourage people, specifically the board members, to interact in the IRC server.
every couple days have prompts to start discussion?
Needs more promotion by member regions
Just like I said in the concern question, some aspects are too similar to NSGP. The IRC could maybe attract more people if it shifted from the purpose of trying to be a NSGP rival, and instead started to have unique events and features.

Finally, the two last questions were related to the future of the IRC. Firstly, respondents were asked whether Europeia should pull out of the project, even though it is a founding member alongside Balder and four of the Pacifics. A majority of respondents (63%) was opposed to this suggestion, with only four stating that they'd support it, but there was an undecided plurality of nearly a quarter of all people who took the poll.

The other question asked people for comments, ideas and possible solutions that they had in mind to make the IRC a better place. One commenter hoped that "the new event features (announcements channel, stage channel) will make it a more attractive venue for the member regions," making a reference to recently-announced additions to the server. Another idea mentioned was the encouragement of discussion and interaction, with one person suggesting that the server should "every couple days have prompts to start discussion." Promotion was also pointed out as a possible solution, lining up with the previous question, in which some comments were concerned with the lack of it by member regions. Finally, another comment criticized the similarity with NSGP, hoping that "the IRC could maybe attract more people if it shifted from the purpose of trying to be a NSGP rival, and instead started to have unique events and features."

People are mad but no one wants to pull out.

Probably more concerned than mad.

But yes, it seems like the vision for this server stopped at just creating it. It definitely needs to have some cultural interaction infused with it to make it stand apart from NSGP.

Anonymous Commenter said:
Would prefer at this point that onder and NES just admit that it's their own version of NSGP
The delusion is strong with this one.
Yeah I think this one just comes down to activity. Not much is happening there, though I hope the radio shows help, and there needs to be something more to keep people talking. In my view it's more that people are concerned (and rightfully so) that the server has nothing going on, but are willing to stay if it gets better, or perhaps there is something new announced that will make it take off.