The Eight Most Influential Europeians of 2024
Written by JL & Gem
Edited by Vor, Amalteia, JayDee, Comfed, Westinor & GK
Other Contributors: ICH
Arnhelm, Europeia - Earlier today, the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation's editorial board announced its selections for 2024's Arnhelm 8—the eight most influential Europeians of the year and the members of the region who've had perhaps the greatest impact on regional happenings. Chosen by a panel of both experienced mainstays and newcomers alike, the Arnhelm 8 is composed of the most familiar faces in the Republic.
Previously, the Europeian citizenry nominated Europeians to be considered as part of the Arnhelm 8, and those citizens chose sixteen people: UPC, Grea Kriopia, JayDee, Vor, Andusre, Rand, Sincluda, John Laurens, SkyGreen, Sanjurika, Westinor, Maowi, PhDre, Sopo, HEM, and Comfed. All of these individuals have had marked impacts on the region over the past year, but of them, there can only be eight! And the eight Europeians selected by the panel were as follows, in no particular order:
UPC - the 81st President of Europeia, the World Assembly Delegate, the Technical Architect

When UPC emerged from the sands of Arrakis, many saw his potential and predicted that he would achieve great things in the Republic. As if it were the word of prophecy, UPC accomplished these things and more. As the 81st President of Europeia, he served a longer consecutive time in office than any other president in history. As World Assembly Delegate, he reached a stunning three hundred endorsements, one of the highest numbers in recent memory. As Technical Architect, he rolled out a recruitment tool and a dispatch listing tool. And the kicker? He did it all in 2024. 2024 has been UPC’s playground, and we’re all just having recess in it.
Grea Kriopia - the 82nd President of Europeia, Vice President of Europeia, the Cultured One

Like the Buccaneers signing Tom Brady in free agency, the appearance of Grea Kriopia changed the game in Europeia. Already commended for her contributions to Defenderdom, she quickly left her mark on the region, becoming President UPC’s Minister of Culture, then, after Sanjurika declined to run for reelection as Vice President, UPC’s running mate. After three terms of redefining the vice presidency, a role in which she was constantly asserted as a co-president to UPC, she herself was elevated to Europeia’s highest office, where she currently serves as the incumbent.
Sincluda - Vice President of Europeia, Grand Admiral, Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Recruiter Extraordinaire

You’d truly be hard-pressed to find a more knowledgeable mind than Sincluda within Europeia. The incumbent Vice President, Sincluda, has served in the Executive for a year straight as a 2x Minister of Outreach, 2x Grand Admiral, and Minister of Foreign Affairs. Sincluda earned high satisfaction in all of these portfolios by running countless recruiting updates and games, ERN training missions, and playing a key role in diplomatic events, including the treaty with NBB and supporting the newly founded Plains of Perdition. The Swiss Army Knife of Europeia, where Sincluda goes, success is certain to follow. A fitting assessment for the Comeback Europeian of the Year, indeed.
Vor - Minister of Foreign Affairs, Grand Admiral, Minister of Media, the FA-ount of Knowledge

Possibly the most popular Grand Admiral of all time, Vor stands as one of the standards of Europeian Excellence. As Grand Admiral, he organized ERN participation in the Defender sleeper registry and became the first ERN member elevated to update command in Libcord. A two time presidential candidate this year, Vor made his mark felt on the region’s politics and put up such a strong showing both times that he was named Grea Kriopia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. Even before his ascension, he made his mark as the Minister for Media, introducing weekly general news updates to keep the populace informed about matters both within and without Europeia.
SkyGreen - Vice Chancellor of Europeia, Minister of World Assembly Affairs, the Emerald Emperor

It is difficult to overstate SkyGreen's impact on World Assembly Affairs, but rest assured, SkyGreen is a titan of the ministry. SkyGreen served two consequential terms as Minister of World Assembly Affairs this term, helping with The Black Hawk Condemn Repeals and the early days of the European World Assembly Cabal (EWAC)—Arguably, two of the most significant events of 2024 for WAA. SkyGreen continued to pad his resume with terms as Attorney General and now Minister of Gameside as yet another multi-talented Europeian serving in the Executive. In addition to that, SkyGreen is an omnipresent figure in the region, pitching in on various executive projects with graphics and advice and exerting a level of soft power within regional politics that cannot easily be ignored.
HEM - Chair of the People’s Assembly, the Founder

When HEM speaks, you listen—even if you don't like what he's saying. That’s what makes him a tour de force within the region. While not holding high executive office in many years, HEM has made his voice known through the People’s Assembly by launching important reform discussions on the executive structure and FA as well as contributing to the private media sector through the ENN. In addition to that, he also turned the December 2024 presidential election on its head when he entered the race with Sopo on a platform centered on newcomer integration and taking applications for Cabinet positions. In spite of being the region's original founder, HEM has made a name for himself in 2024 promoting regional reform and upstart ideas, driving regional conversation and attention for some time.
Rand - Senator for Europeia, Chief Justice, the Firebrand

Sometimes, subtlety does not bring success. Sometimes, a strong hand and voice is required. Rand has certainly met that requirement this year between advocating for the biggest change in elections ever to being the attorney who caused public voting to be declared unconstitutional. Rand accomplished all of this by serving three consecutive Senate terms and one term as Speaker to contribute to a flurry of legislative agenda in the region. From the popular proposals, to the unpopular ones, Rand has been undeniable and ever-present, shaping the conversation and flow of legislation in Europeian for 2024.
Love him or hate him, we watched.
PhDre - Citizen, the Vice Delegate, the Great Debater

The ever-present host of the Ministry of Pod has made his voice heard as a private citizen by advocating vocally on nearly any topic in the Grand Hall and advising the Executive on out-of-the-box ideas. A favorite topic of PhDre's that few could forget this year, weighted voting, caused quite a stir at the start of 2024 and has been a repeat conversation for Europeia on top of other causes of advocacy by this strong debater. PhDre can always be counted on to supply witty arguments and creative suggestions that keep him close to the region's consequential decision-makers. Dubbed a conservative by some and a grumpy old man by others, Phdre’s presence has been undeniable, and his voice has influenced many discussions despite never being on paper in a position to litigate them.
And those are the Arnhelm 8! Definitely some expected picks, along with a few that might come as a bit of a surprise to some. It's important to remember, though—the Arnhelm 8 isn't a popularity contest; it's a genuine reflection of who the panel thought was the most influential and consequential Europeians of 2024. Makes you wonder what these eight will get up to in 2025, doesn't it?
Will it be the same people pulling the strings? Or will someone new take the reins? We'll have to wait and see.
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