And They Are Off


Jorts Connoisseur
Honoured Citizen
he / him / his
E-News Network

And They Are Off
Written By Jack Cafferty
Senior Political Analysis

So elections are here again, and the stressed political system built up after Pez's election has been begging for it. After negotiations the Progressive Party and Europeian Union Party a coalition was formed behind Pope Lexus, who has served in Europeia for over a year and has a solid record as a Senator.

The Revolutionary Leftist Party assures the people they are fielding a canidate, however they have not yet decided who it is. Delvetia feels he is not ready, and Khessed feels the same. While Cary cannot legally run at this time.

The Conservative Party's motives is not yet known, due to the reappearance of Neohabighorst, they may have enough influence to front a canidate.

And we should not forget Pez201 himself, while many has been skeptical of his term, we all have to remember we put him in the position to serve with very little short notice. His term was a painful one, serving after the leaving of Renposa, a once Presidential frontrunner.