Administrative Bans - Sleet, Improper Classifications, and Rosartemis


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Forum Administrator
Deputy Minister
Honoured Citizen
I don't give a flying fuck.
As many of you are aware, a Nation States user, Creeperopolis, was recently doxxed on the Nation States forum on 12/24/2024, Christmas Eve for many Nation States players. Despite the holiday, NS staff were quick to respond, deleting the offending post.

The post, made by a puppet of the user known as Sleet, was a violation of Creeperopolis' privacy and should have never occurred. In fact, after the removal of that post, that should have been the end of the situation. Unfortunately, two Nation States players by the name of Improper Classifications and Rosartemis uploaded this doxxing information to the Wayback Machine, thus preserving it for anyone to still view.

No matter the reason for taking this action, Sleet, Improper Classifications, and Rosartemis have done something that endangers another player in Nation States.

These types of actions cannot be tolerated for our communities to remain safe, and so we are instituting an indefinite ban upon Sleet, Improper Classification, and Rosartemis from Europeia.


Europeia Administrative Team
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Unsurprising, but a welcome announcement nonetheless. What these individuals did is beyond unacceptable behavior, and they should not be permitted in any region, least of all ours.
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Did the admin team consider Improper Classifications (IMPC)’s conduct during this event as well? My understanding was that they archived the offending material alongside Rosartemis.
Did the admin team consider Improper Classifications (IMPC)’s conduct during this event as well? My understanding was that they archived the offending material alongside Rosartemis.
DM me any information you have and we'll take a look at it. Thanks, UPC!
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The administrative ban has been updated to include Improper Classifications, who was the first person to upload the doxxing information to the Wayback Machine. Rosartemis uploaded it a second time after it had been removed.

Thanks, UPC!
Thanks for addressing this. For sake of clarification, have these users ever visited our site?
Thanks for addressing this. For sake of clarification, have these users ever visited our site?
Not that I'm aware of. This is more preemptive than anything else.
I had no idea this happened, but I am glad swift action was taken. Sleet is anti-Semitic anyway.
I had no idea this happened, but I am glad swift action was taken. Sleet is anti-Semitic anyway.
I thought you were on the pulse of things! Yea glad we've never had these players here