Admin Task Thread

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in the Wellbeing Hub...

Archiving of The Temple of Titans.

Creation of...

Kaboom said:
Kaboom said:
Name of place of worship: The Temple of Explosions
Leader: Kaboom
Description: Respect the power of explosions. *boom*
Bumping this one up.
prometheus32 said:
Name of place of worship: The Church of Neo-Ferretism
Leader: Prometheus32
Description: Join us in the name of the Badger, Ferret, and Holy Weasel.

I would like to replace this with the Temple of Titans, if you don't mind.

In the government tab it says Kaboomlandia instead of Kaboom.
Can someone give Diamondcon a non-voting making please? (Lethal requested that I ask :p)
Antillean Islands and khaleel03 need CA masking please and thank ya
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