- Pronouns
- He/Him, They/them
2nd Europeian Census
April 8-12, 2020
Modernization of the Executive Branch: Shifting Expectations and Streamlining
Total Respondents: 55
Citizen Respondents: 41 (74.5%)
Resident Respondents: 7 (12.7%)
Foreign Visitor Respondents: 7 (12.7%)
Foreign Ambassadors and Residents Demographics
This Census had a much stronger response from ambassadors and residents compared to the previous Census. There were seven Ambassador responses and seven Resident responses. Out of these, the broad takeaways, demographically speaking, is that the vast majority of ambassadors have been active in Europeia for under 3 months, but they tend to have between 1-2 and 3-5 years of experience in Nationstates. Residents of the region tend to have more time in the region, between recent joins to 1-2 years in Europeia. These players tend to be younger than most citizens and are almost all recent newcomers to Nationstates as well.
Ambassadors check our forum somewhat infrequently, where residents tend to never check the forum and stick to the RMB only. When asked what sort of activities might bring Ambassadors and Residents to the forum or the discord server:
Debates! Roleplaying events! (Ambassador response)
I do this on my phone, so I can’t really do anything on the Forum. (Resident response)
When I was on the forum I never could find what I was looking for, the layout was pretty confusing, so I just stopped visiting. (Resident response)
I do this on my phone, so I can’t really do anything on the Forum. (Resident response)
When I was on the forum I never could find what I was looking for, the layout was pretty confusing, so I just stopped visiting. (Resident response)
Trivia's always fun. I enjoy a lot of the games. (Ambassador response)
I already am! (Ambassador response)
Maybe do some endorse for endorse, and add some more channels. (Resident response)
I already am! (Ambassador response)
Maybe do some endorse for endorse, and add some more channels. (Resident response)
Citizen Demographics
We can see the clear shift toward newer players happening over the past six months, since the last Census in September 2019, with the "Under 3 months" category almost doubling in percentage of the citizen respondents. The other categories tend to remain stable, with some notable shifting from the "5-9 years" category to the "10+ years" category. In the Citizen Age over Time graph, however, there is a clear decrease in players between 13-15 years old, with an increase in the 16-18 category as well as the 22-25 and 26-30 years age groups.
Citizen Opinions
Overall Comments on Citizen Opinion Section
- Broaden the variety of options/activities - it can feel a little "same old" at times
- Less ministries and more specialized civil servant roles
- More outreach and interaction for the longtime not as active citizens
- Maybe reduce the divisions of ministers and powers? As a newer citizen, I feel like it's a bit complicated sometimes.
- More elections, shorter terms
- Find ways to lure the social players into the political side of things, and work on directing a lot of energy that goes into Discord to our forums instead (or in addition to)
- I'd say given that many people that just joined Europeia. The brass should try finding them mandatory easy training to learn like IA, FA and so on. That will then allow them to be somewhat integrated into Europeia. With that in which ever field they are interested, they can then apply for that certain field with a certain amount of confidence.
- Focus on regular and more universal cultural activity, such as games. Perfect chance for people to bond and have a connection with the community.
- more interaction between countries within Europeia
- A buddy system where people paired up to help each other be more active
- More variety of weekend games and times
- interesting activities within ministries
- Improve interaction with the gameside.
- Advertise areas based on interest more than just pressuring people to move up.
- Have a guide for new players/new citizens
- Build from the bottom up. Encourage people by leaving a comment at the end of an ENC article, thank people for recruiting, get to know people in a weekend game etc.
Service in Office and Voting
Most of these polling questions had very little changes over the past 6 months, we will forego showing the changes over time for the poll questions in this section unless there were significant changes.
Service in High Office
Service in other Office
Election Turnout
Service in Ministries and Councils
The one notable weakness here is the disparity between service in Domestic Ministries versus service in FA Councils. Domestic Ministries are seeing more than 75% of citizen respondents being members, while Councils have only around 60% membership among respondents, a significant gap. Comments below help explain how we can improve membership in FA Councils.
- I've done it before but it's just not an area that particularly interests me. As for why other haven't taken an interest, I think partly it's because the work is pretty dull and non-active (observing a region for example) at least to begin with (it gets more interesting later on) and compared to the domestic side where activities are very active and you can physically see the work you've done and feel a sense of pride.
- Not that interested
- They aren't visible - I never think about them
- Foreign affairs is a mixture of scary and daunting, but also the mail delivery system (ambassadors) are a bit boring
- No
- Time, and what I feel is a knowledge requirement for that job area.
- I found being an ambassador boring.
- I don't really want to represent 2 regions abroad, since I'm FA officer somewhere else which is also the region I have my WA nation in.
- Foreign Affairs don't interest me
- Just my lack of time .
- Because i'm a college student i don't have the time for that. I play Nationstates for fun but i get that simulating politics is fun for other people but i don't think it is that interesting for me.
- Seems too big.
- Don't really know
- Host more events
- Expand and further publicise the watchers program
- Perhaps a location where there is a comprehensive summary of our foreign relations with the primary regions and their government leaders. So newcomers can get an overall grasp of our regional situation.
- No ideas personally.
- understanding what they do
- IDK like a referendum to the citizens or something?
- A pat on the back and some cookies I guess idk
Executive Modernization and Streamlining
Overall Comments on the Re-Merge
- While some Presidents complained of burnout, there were some Presidents who said that the job was manageable. The President can delegate tasks to the VP and could even nominate a Chief of Staff to take on some responsibilities if they felt that the job was too demanding.
- The re-unified executive would massively increase the burden on the leader, and completely discourage me from running. I don't understand why people think it is going to be any easier now, nor do I understand why people think that reunifying the executive will actually make any improvements
- The workload and expectation was very high and the turnover was reaching comical levels.
- As was pointed out in the GH thread, most Presidents left because of FA sanfus.
- I experienced a grear burnout just serving as a Minister and I think the opportunity for burnout is much greater with a re-unifed executive. It would take a very special person to hold the office of President and do it well.
- We clearly saw a unified executive was unsustainable, I don’t see why we should go back.
- It was never that difficult to be President.
- A Presidential role has the potential to be more demanding on both aspects of our government, requiring more oversight and higher workload. This isn't always bad, but I can see elections being filled with fewer fresh faces, and more with experienced hands that have tackled both sides of our executive over a period of time.
- Both jobs together is too big for one person in my opinion, especially for a region that has been struggling with burnout. I think it's a recipe to discourage people from running, and to see those who do run quit midterm more frequently.
- If the President is supposed to run both foreign affairs and domestic affairs, it seems they cannot focus on either with as much depth as they could if they were tasked with only one.
- There's always burnout concerns with any position, but I never saw a presidency in action.
- As long as the deputy is depended on and effectively does their job in the first place, there shouldn't be as much burnout.
- This is more about delegation and expectation management than the specific structure used.
- I think the split right now has a nice balance of responsibility, as well as encourages people to run for higher offices because there is more opportunity.
- The President never had too much work
- It's inevitable that burnout will be a real issue, but there are pros and cons to everything and the positives outweigh the negatives in bringing the executive back together
- One single executive just seems like too much work for one person. I couldn't do it.
Participation in Europeia (Ambassadors and Residents included in this section)
Forum Participation
- Roleplay, Games, Memes, and friends
- Debates! Roleplaying events!
- I do this on my phone, so I can’t really do anything on the Forum.
- I mean, I visit the Forum daily more than RMB. I'm pretty sure I have more than what I need ?
- Games! Open discussions! I also suggest perhaps having a debate a week! Choose a topic, real life or not, and have an open discussion from all sides on it. Allows us to learn and enjoy debating.
- Crosswords
- Idk
- N/A
- Nothing?
- More interesting games and events, maybe.
- When I was on the forum I never could find what I was looking for, the layout was pretty confusing, so I just stopped visiting.
- My duties to the ministries I am apart of
Discord Participation
- Roleplay, Games, Memes, and friends
- I already am!
- Aforementioned games! The Discord kinda generates itself tho. If officials are active in chats, it will thrive, promise.
- Sometimes it's just a bit daunting and I feel like I get overlooked on there
- Trivia's always fun. I enjoy a lot of the games
- Maybe do some endorse for endorse, and add some more channels.
- nothing
- Nothing for now, since I chat everyday and there's plenty of activity.
- My duties to the ministries I am in
- Specific interest channels I can engage with. The main chat channel is too full of noise.
- Duck hunt, hunger games, sopo
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