Search results

  1. Industhan

    Domestic Violence and it's affects — Part I of Real Life issues

    You are brave Prov. Whatever situation your in it will get resolved, you need to trust the process. you might get in trouble for it but at the end "Truth will only Triumph". If you can try getting a restraining order or get emancipated. If you cant these 2 you need to work out a way till you are...
  2. Industhan

    Admin Task Thread

    Hi, Can i get the senate guest role I'm Jaydee's substitute stated here here
  3. Industhan

    Admin Task Thread

    Can I get masking for the deputy minister of WAA as FM's substitute? FM's request
  4. Industhan

    The End of a Recruitment Era

    I never knew people used bots for recruitment. You do something every day. Thanks, Lime
  5. Industhan

    [Breaking News]Emperor UPC Supresses Attempted Coup

    This event theme is going far..........
  6. Industhan

    Admin Task Thread

    Tried with your format and edited it fit under the policy but still no luck, image just isnt there anymore and is replaced by the default png look :(
  7. Industhan

    Admin Task Thread

    yes i have but the image distorts thus making it impossible to read the signature, if i crop then re link it it doesn't look right/ transparent background
  8. Industhan

    Admin Task Thread

    need my signature resized and a new link in the image rep as my image link doesn't work if i resize the image. :(