Europeia's Weekly Update - February 8 2020

Europeia's Weekly Update
February 8 2020

Written by Xecrio

Chief of State News
Former Chief of State HEM released his farewell speech earlier this month, and the Senate prepared to usher in a new chief of state. Pichtonia, who was unrivalled in the election, was voted in unanimously.

Private Media Articles
The Panda's Pen released an article this week. The republished article discussed class regions, what they are, and what importance they hold.
The Organisation of Independent Media is hosting a project for Europeian of the Year 2019. The project will draft articles from a selection of Europeia's many writers, in support of whom they would like to nominate.
The Europeian News Network, courtesy of HEM and Sopo, released an article addressing the calamity that was the Iowa caucus. Discussing both positives and negatives of caucuses, the authors explore whether Europeia should be more like Iowa.

EBC Articles
The Europeian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC) released two articles this week. The first of those was an article from Istillian which explored the idea of question and critism in Europeia. The article mentions increasingly high approval ratings and the lack of contest in the chief of state election, asking whether Europeia has become afraid to criticise.
The EBC also did a recapitulation of the first minister election, exploring the details of the contest and how the result came about.

Ministry Work
In the Ministry of Radio, Calvin Coolidge, HEM, and Sopo broadcasted a discussion about each Democratic candidate's chance on Super Tuesday. Roll calls have opened for all ministries, and the second minister has opened citizens spotlight nominations for the first time this term. Meanwhile, Minister of Communications Xecrio has released his opening address, in which he announced his new deputy, cookiespagientland.
Thanks for the update, good sir.