
I was born in [REDACTED] and have lived there my whole life. My father is an Orthodox Christian and my mother is an atheist, hence why I always grew up with the idea of (macro)evolution being true. Even today, I try to correlate this with my Christian beliefs, which I am thankfully being able to do with the help of my favorite YouTuber - InspiringPhilosophy (credit to him lmaoo). I don't go to Church, sadly, since I don't think there are ones near me - of course, since the biggest one, or even the fact that is the only one I know about, is located in the center of [REDACTED], though I am living kinda in the outskirts of the city but not quite. If I die before I graduate and become independent this will be my biggest regret. I was "spiritually baptized" within the faith more than a year ago, thankfully (YAYY!!!!!!), when I started watching some Christian videos and channels, with the only one that I still sometimes watch and even remember being Give Light - he is an ex-Muslim from Algeria and has videos on topics, similar to Christianity VS. Islam. Through my experience in Christ, for the past year and a little more, I cured my racism towards the Turks (since I am Bulgarian and I always put the blame on them for the Ottoman slavery; some of you, like Gertyx for example, might remember when I announced that in European RMB back around June) and my homophobia (my personal definition: hating somebody or someones simply because they're gay or trans) - thank God for that!
I also make videos on YouTube, with my channel's name being "Orthosaur". I make different kinds of video [over] there, however, I mostly make videos linked with Christianity, prehistory/paleontology, the occasional video where I've put in some videos and photos of the Moon/stars, with the pause between each being the SpongeBob sound "a few moments later", a speculative evolution series I have along with some animations regarding it, etc.

Subscribe if you want! :D

Friends (in Europeia): Atlas-Preussen, Charoskania, Duckingville, Caldrasa, (sometimes Gertyx as well) and others!!


Yes, I'm a Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Theistic Evolutionist Ammilenialist Christian, how did you know?




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