Minister of Culture (July 28, 2020 - October 2, 2020)
Minister of Culture (April 8, 2018 - May 20, 2018)
Senator of Europeia (58th, 64th, 68th, 69th, 98th Senates)
Citizens' Assembly Chair of Europeia (Apr. 22, 2017 - June 7, 2017)
Citizens' Assembly Chair of Europeia (Oct. 23, 2016 - Dec. 7, 2016)
Deputy Minister of Europeia x countless
President x2
Vice President x1
Senator of Olympia x5
President of the Olympian Senate x4
General of the Olympian Air Force
Secretary of Defense x2
Secretary of Foreign Affairs x2
Attorney General x2
Mayor of Equilism x1
Deputy Town Moderator x1