

<strong>I am considered far-right in Europe but considered a far-left radical in the U.S.</strong> <br> <div class="spoiler_toggle">Spoiler: click to toggle</div> <div class="spoiler" style="display:none;"><br><span style="color:#0000CC"><strong>To the democrats:</strong></span><br><div class="spoiler_toggle">Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;"><br>Just because he is black does not make him progressive.<br>The word oriental is not racist.<br>Corporate vouchers are not universal healthcare.<br>I wish Romney won, then Obama didn't have to take the blame for Bush's dumb deficit.<br>Obama is like Bush, but black and with a triple digit IQ, make him do something actually leftist for once. Pretty please?<br>Do everything the republicans accuse you of doing and everything is going to get better.<br></div><br><span style="color:#CC0000"><strong>To the <del>kkk</del> republicans:</strong></span><br><div class="spoiler_toggle">Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;"><br>Calling Obama a socialist fascist is like calling a circle a triangle and a square.<br>Not being white is not the same as being an illegal immigrant.<br>If they have to put subtitles when you get interviewed despite the fact that English is your primary language you suck.<br>You do not get to fly the flag of the side who LOST the civil war higher than the side who won.<br>When your government spies on you to find out where the one unarmed terrorist is setting up his $10 tent just to get a $200.000.000 stealth bomber to drop a couple of $40.000 cluster munitions on it you cannot say "The land of the free and the home of the brave."<br>Your president searched for Bin Laden during 7 years and fail to find him, then the democrats find him in his house.<br>Bush nationalized more companies than Hugo Chavez and you fail to see the irony of holding signs saying "No to communism!".<br></div><br></div>