

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">::MY NATION::</a> (Tehver) <br> XBOX LIVE; "IndolentDan" <br> <br> [Hide=Previous Titles/Positions] <strong>Previously The Chairman of the Board of The Genesis Corporation (during it's primetime, had 500+ nations)</strong> <br> *Asked by Swarm to help create the region in it's founding days until I had a falling out with the President (not Swarm) in our competition for power, I resigned and was eventually evicted a year or so later. (after Swarms departure) <br> I tried to reform the corporation into a corporate republic to increase civilian/employee participation in leadership but the President disagreed. <br> <strong>Minister of the Interior of The New/Neo Genesis Movement</strong> <br> *Before it's inevitable collapse <br> <strong>WA Delegate of Occupied Egeden, and leader of The Genesis Federation during the Interregnum before the creation of the New/Neo Genesis Movement</strong> <br> *Swarm is notorious for going inactive, and many Kings wanted to replace him. I led the government from TGF to NGM although it was a short time. <br> <br> <em>Minor roles:</em> <br> Senate Clerk - Europeia <br> City Council Member - Europeia <br> Helped create and form the Balder region constitution in it's early days <br> Co-Leader of Coalition Party in Europeia <br> Creator of many controversial news agencies <br> Ex-Member of Europeia navy[/hide]