

Sacrifice yourself to protect your comrades <br> Some men are born great, some have greatness thrust upon them!!! <br> <strong><u>Fioteria's Positions of Power</u></strong> <br> King of Hampshire <br> Former Crown Prince of Hampshire <br> Longest Reigning World Assembly Delegate in Hampshire History <br> Ambassador of The New Inquisition for Hampshire <br> Ambassador of Nova Imperium for Hampshire <br> Ambassador of the Land of Kings and Emperors for Hampshire <br> Former Prime Minister of Hampshire <br> Former Chairman of the Power Centrist Party <br> Former Chairman of the Democratic Centrist Party <br> Former Duke of Wexford <br> Former Deputy Prime Minister of Hampshire <br> Former Foreign Minister of Hampshire <br> Former Chancellor of the Realm of Hampshire <br> Former Deputy Defense Minister of Hampshire <br> <img src="" alt="Posted Image"> <br> <img src="" alt="Posted Image"> %mh%500%mh%[pdata]http://z6.****************/Europeia/index.php?showtopic=6846[/pdata]