Recent content by Elio

  1. Elio

    Senate Election Liveblog April 2024

    I think Lloen is an obvious frontrunner by default in any Senate election he's in. Lloen is one of these people who could very easily post no platform, do no campaigning, and still win in an absolute landslide every time. Cordova is also a strong candidate for me, having served a great term as...
  2. Elio

    [EBC Special Report] Senate Sleeps as People Lead

    Something doesn't hold up for me. The Convention can't be not particularly active and engaged and useful whilst at the same time being such a threat to Senators hopes and dreams that they sit at home playing xbox all day. If the convention wasn't a worry, Senators would have more reason to...
  3. Elio

    [EBC Special Report] Senate Sleeps as People Lead

    This may be an exceedingly obvious answer, but reason number 1 would be "they were elected to do so"
  4. Elio

    [EBC Special Report] Senate Sleeps as People Lead

    Senate Sleeps as People Lead Written by Elio If there was one word to define this term of the Senate thus far it would be "Sleepy". Since the 93rd Senate was elected at the beginning of February, the perception of it from the Citizenry is that it has been slow, to say the least, with...
  5. Elio

    [Breaking News]Emperor UPC Supresses Attempted Coup

    So this is how democracy dies... with thunderous applause
  6. Elio

    [Arnhelm Alt] The Ole Gal Rides On

    I haven't known you as long as many here. When I joined the region, my first knowledge of McEntire as a person was the whole MadJack thing, and all the fury and antagonism that surrounded it. I ended up being a voice pretty strongly arguing against what you were doing, and left that with a very...
  7. Elio

    Administrative Update: Festavo/Dionysus

    With the context offered by Salem above, I'm disturbed and uncomfortable that - regardless of the time that has passed since these incidents took place - this person has now lied their way back in the door and there seems to be discussion of treating it as "no harm no foul". Whether the player...
  8. Elio

    Opinion: Ministers Need Freedom

    I strongly agree with all of this - this is why all Ministerial nominees on our team have had a hand in contributing to the platform, and all of them got to review multiple times along the way and edit/remove anything they disagreed with before publication. Even if I get elected though, and they...
  9. Elio

    EBC Jan. '24 Presidential Election Liveblog

    Absolutely! We're both really excited to be running this election, and also really surprised at the same time. Neither of us expected we'd be sitting here as candidates today, but in a short amount of time we've been able to pull together what we think is a really great campaign, backed by a...
  10. Elio

    [ARN ALT] Flash Poll: RoE Edging JayDee, Other Ticket Rumors Abound

    @JayDee you want to WIN?! This is wild, I can't believe it. This is going to seriously affect your support levels
  11. Elio

    [ARN ALT] Flash Poll: RoE Edging JayDee, Other Ticket Rumors Abound

    I personally wouldn't be seeing passion in our elections, considering we've had two uncontested elections in a row. I think rather than cheerfully breezing past this we should be asking ourselves real questions about the structures of our governance and our electoral systems, and get to the...
  12. Elio

    Op-Ed: Do we have too many Honoured Citizens?

    I think Rand's idea is a great one
  13. Elio

    Smokin' Poll: Jan '24 Preliminary Polling

    Thank you for this CSP!! Really appreciate the effort put in <3 (and thank you to the 67.6% of you who put me down!!! :O )
  14. Elio

    Admin Task Thread

    Hello! Could you mask @John Laurens as Radio Minister please?