Confirmations ongoing, President makes "call to action" to Europeia

Written by PhDre, Edited by Maowi

Arnhelm, Europeia - Senator Lloenflys defeated Olde Delaware in the first Presidential election of 2023, with 38 of 63 votes (60.3%). Lloenflys’ ascent to the Presidency marks his first time in the Office, and Olde Delaware’s second loss in a row.

The election period started quietly, as former President Icarus indicated she would not run for re-election. After Olde Delaware stood with running mate Sopo, Lloenflys waited two days before running with Kuramia as his Vice President. “I went from planning to run just so that there was a choice at the ballot box to running because I want to run,” Lloenflys confirmed.

Candidates participated in a Discord text debate, which did little to change the toss-up nature of the election. On Election Day, Lloenflys jumped out to an early lead, and the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation conducted a live-blog with prominent Europeians.

In his first Presidential address, Lloenflys urged Europeian citizens with a “call to action if you have the time to serve – there has perhaps never been a better time to step up, seize the initiative, and get your name into consideration as a future leader.”

President Lloenflys has sent his nominations for Cabinet to the Senate, and introduced a new position called the “Ministry of RMB” headed by Presidential opponent Olde Delaware (OD). One citizen, former President Pichtonia, mused that “OD clearly put a lot of research and enthusiasm into the RMB section of his campaign during the election… I'd definitely give him the benefit of the doubt.”

The Ministry of RMB would be responsible for considering potential reforms to Europeia’s regional message board, and engaging with the gameside community.

Some citizens raised concerns over the nomination of Hezekon as Minister of Culture, as the nominee has been relatively inactive in recent months, and other candidates in the Ministry were passed over in favor of Hezekon. Lloenflys explained his process in the Senate, saying “I am less familiar with them … one of the things that I got excited about with Culture was the possibility of seeking innovation in the ministry. Having worked closely with Hezekon, and being familiar with his way of thinking, I got excited about the possibility of having him serve in that capacity.”

Senator Lloenflys appeared on an EBC Radio show regarding the Senate Confirmation process - you can listen to it here.

Lloenflys has remained deferential to the Senate’s confirmation powers, stating that “the Senate has a responsibility to review those nominations thoroughly and either confirm or reject them as they see fit.” Vice President Kuramia has been more pointed, asking “what are these molehills that [Europeians] keep confusing for mountains?”

President Lloenflys resigned from the Senate after winning the Presidential election, and a by-election to fill his seat is scheduled for January 24th. At least one candidate has already indicated they are undecided regarding confirming Hezekon as Minister of Culture. There are currently six Senators - since a majority of the Senate is needed to confirm Cabinet nominations, Hezekon is expected to need four Aye votes to be confirmed regardless of the outcome of the Senate by-election.
Very nice coverage!