Introducing Deadline: Goldenblock

Common-Sense Politics

Audentes Fortuna Juvat
Deputy Minister
Honoured Citizen

Welcome to the Europeian Citizen's newest project, Deadline: Goldenblock. Some limited attempts have been made in the past through the auspices of the Organization of Independent Media to plan and execute a robust programming schedule surrounding presidential election season. Those efforts have occasionally helped but we acknowledge that properly amplifying the backbone of Europeia's activity remains a challenge that has not been fully addressed by either government or private media nor by cooperation between the two.

Am I proposing a solution here? No, not really, but when there aren't any obvious new systems to try the best thing to do is get off your ass and make things. Deadline will be a series a print and audio format media through which the Citizen will contribute to the landscape. These could be interviews, expert panels, town halls, journalistic articles, lists, blogs, or polls. What is more, the Citizen will make itself and its correspondents available to support development and production of related content in other private media outlets upon request.

I imagine I'll be starting small so for right now, I will only announce that we will be seeking to host individual audio town halls with all major candidates in partnership with the Ministry of Radio. Announcements about scheduling, co-hosts, and how to submit your questions will be made soon.
I’m gonna try to run some polls while I can but I probably won’t be able to moderate a debate.
Very excited to see what comes of this!
Sounds very good, I'll follow what comes out of this with great interest!!