Europeian Question Time - Number 5


Hey Hey Hey Everyone! Welcome to the fifth installment of EQT! We're about halfway through this current term in Euroepia and boy have we seen some changes! So now it's time to look in at how Europeia's been doing and what our future will look like!

Our panel tonight consists of such an eclectic group. President of Europeia Earth22 , Foreign Affairs Minister Jusduckria, and Senators and former presidential candidates Sopo and Swakistek. A big thank you to all of you for being here tonight.

Now it's time to dive into the issues! Let's begin:

What state do you think the region is in right now, overall? Are we in a good position, a bad one, mediocre?

You guys have been floating Falc's name around, do you guys think he'll run again? And if he does, does he have a chance of winning? A lot of people believe his term to be mediocre but how does he stack up against Earth/Roguiers?
Personally, I don't believe Falc will run this time. I think he will run again, but not quite so soon.

While content-wise I believe the terms of Falconias and E22/Rougiers to be similar, I think the current term has been much calmer. It has been relatively soothing, and I think the people prefer it that way.
So, Earth is out...

So, at this stage, we're looking at a likely TCU candidacy, although this would depend on whether they perceive the 'time to be right', a possible but not probable EMP candidacy, and I'm sure there would be at least one independent candidate out there, whether it be PhDre or Jus or whoever...

As for Falconias running, specifically, I think that his term was actually of similar calibre to the present term, but a lot less 'peaceful', as Sopo put it, due to the controversy that he stirred up. He actually had some good ideas, but was perhaps slightly affected and hindered by the simple fact that he is Falc, and probably has a few people who may be less than fond of him in the region...

I think there is a possibility that he will run again, although I consider it unlikely that the TCU will put forward a ticket if it doesn't have Falc on it...
I completely agree with what Swak said about the TCU's presidential ticket. Since the only really active member of the TCU is Falc, they really have no other choice but to put him forward. I also have to say that I'm not seeing any candidates who would help (or hurt) as Vice President.

I think that, though the TCU or EMP may not win the election, they're going to definitely be drawing votes, which could potentially hurt any IND candidate.
I think that having a large number of contenders would change the voting dynamic differently to that, actually, Jusduckria. It probably has potential to make this a very close Presidential race, and the inter-candidate sniping could also negatively impact those who are engaged in such activities...

Nevertheless, I think it's nice to have a not-too-small Presidential field, since a) the voters have some choice and b) I get to try and organise Presidential debates for the Europeian Inquirer ( :p ). We should, however, push for a 'clean' campaign at all stages, in the interests of peace and harmony, especially given the 'attitude problems' described by our most recent ex-President.
I believe the chances of the EMP putting forth a ticket, or even existing for that matter, are very unlikely.
Well this has been a real insightful conversation. So before I offically end this edition of EQT, I'm going to let each of you make a few closing statements. What's on your mind, anything!
There are a few things on my mind. The downfall of the EMP, the impending elections, and McEntire's anti-party legislation.

I'm quite sad that the EMP ended up the way it did. It had so much potential; its members were so bright and full of ideas. In the end, not enough people were willing to put in the work to grow a solid base for the party, and it faltered.

The next Presidential elections should be quite interesting. I'm excited to see who emerges as a candidate and what kind of government we'll have next term.

Finally, there is the pitiful legislation coming through the CC. There is absolutely no reason political party should be banned. Period. End of story.
I'm just going to say, at this time, that I welcome Sopo back into the NCP and hope that some of the former EMP members may be able to fulfil their visions and dreams for Europeia through other ways; either through joining/working with another Europeian political party, or otherwise through independence or whatever channel they choose to use.

The upcoming Presidential elections will indeed be interesting; in particular, I'm itching to work out which independent candidates are running and whether the TCU will end up posing a candidate after all? Will Falconias run for a second term, or will they find another candidate? Oh, it's the election season again!

On a related matter, however, I'd also like to express my firm desire for the upcoming elections to be clean and harmonious. Let's do away with the destructive attitudes that Rougiers brought up in his resignation speech, let's do away with dirty politics, and let's work together for a peaceful and harmonious Europeia.

Thanks for having me on this show, OO, and I look forward to working with the good folks at the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation again, in the not-too-distant future.

Thank you, OO for having me. I'm excited to see how the current trial goes, how the rest of this term goes, and who will be running in the next elections and such.

As for the Political Party bit, it's always..interesting to try new things and find it interesting on how controversial it's ended up being right now.

Again, thank you.
My final thoughts are "Oh God, it's almost election season again." :p

Actually, all I can think of is the supposed ancient Chinese saying/curse "May you live in interesting times."
Actually, sorry to repost, but I have a couple of extra comments about the anti-political party proposals, so please excuse me.

I'm not particularly inclined in favour of this act, and notwithstanding any exceptionally compelling and unforeseen arguments emerging from the City Council debates, I would probably vote against this if it ever reached the Senate. Even if, hypothetically, I was in favour, I would have to seriously amend it to fix some of the gaping holes in it...sorry, and thanks for trying, CC, but I just don't think that this is a good idea.

Freedom of association, for a start. I realise that there are many people who don't like political parties, and they usually choose independence. But honestly, they do play a role for some people, and as Jusduckria said, it's just wrong to prevent people from gathering in such associations. I would probably be more detailed in my explanation, except that Hyanygo, Jusduckria and Aurora have already said pretty much everything that I wanted to say in the Grand Hall, except perhaps a little less nicely than I might have. :p