An Interview: Oliver Grey

Rachel: How do you feel this term is going?

Oliver: I think it's going well. The general reaction people have to the Executive is something I've been wrestling with for awhile now. The expectations people have of what a "good" term is are getting impossibly high. President Lexus was not an example of a good President, he was an example of a fantastic President. With this inflation, we find that a solid term, with nothing going wrong, population continuing to rise, the work of government continuing to be done, and other similar benchmarks for a "good" term are termed "mediocre" instead, or even considered to be sub-par. So all told, our population is growing, our government is functioning, and we've got no major mishaps, so I think the term is going well, because we're continuing forwards.

Rachel: Do you feel that it's a bad thing? Those super high expectations?

Oliver: Well, I think holding the government to high expectations is a good thing, but I think people have to temper their expectations to a reasonably high level. It's natural to want more out of your government, to want it to be better, even if it's good. I think we run into trouble when our expectations are so high that the government cannot realistically meet them. I wouldn't characterize this as one of the best terms ever, and I think there's room for improvement, especially in my own involvement, but if we beat down every government that's only moderately successful, who's going to want that job down the road?

Rachel: That's very true and speaking of people who might want that chance down the road, who would you like to see try out for the position again or for the first time?

Any names?

Oliver: For which position specifically, or just generally?

Rachel: We can make it general

Oliver: Well, generally speaking, I'd like to see some of the newer members who haven't done anything in government yet step up into some of the lower positions. I'd like to see some of the experienced players who are new here step up into the cabinet level positions, and I'd like to see at least one of the cabinet ministers make a run for President. I won't name names, though, I'll keep my politics private on that front.

Rachel: Do you feel there's enough room for everyone? As in enough coveted positions for the amount of members to keep every interested yet still competitive?

Oliver: I think there are. At this point, I think attempting to alter the structure of Europeia too fundamentally would create too great a stir to really gain any traction anyway, so I expect people will come to fill the positions that we've got.

Rachel: Thank you Oliver. This has been a great interview, any last words?

Oliver: Thanks for having me. I think I just want to express how happy I am to be a part of Europeia, it's a great place, and I hope to stick around for a long time to come.

Thanks again, Rachel.