Romancing Europeia

Romancing Europeia
Surviving the Moderate Attitude
Written by Ervald

Europeia, the region with a sense of intellectualism, a strong navy roaring out across the sea, and a dynamic culture that can cheer up even the most serious of people. How does Europeia exist as a large region, but also incredibly remain stable and peaceful? Simply put, it is because of the region's attitude that I have experienced directly. Europeia takes on a moderate political attitude.

By moderate, I mean an attitude that is not extreme, partisan, or radical. Europeia lacks social structures to be able to alter, doesn't focus their politics on parties or other organizations within their region, and is not outside the commonly accepted attitudes and ideas of Nation States (NS) Gameplay.

I used to be a very idealistic person on NationStates due to the fact that I was involved in regions such as The Communist Bloc, the United Kingdom of Netherlands, and a region I tried to start called the Democratic Republic of Bavaria. In those regions, I was not brought up by reforms or realistic ideas for governing, just big ideas that could dramatically improve or destroy your relaxing life on NS. So it was a huge change for me when I came to Europeia, a stable and developed region. It was actually quite hard for me to fit in, and I tried suggesting ideas which obviously did not go well.

One of these ideas was an anthem for Europeia that almost everybody deemed useless. Not only is Europeia already united by the identity of promoting a legalist approach in the courts, being a democratic republic with an incredibly powerful but graceful navy, and possessing an active culture, but anthems are rarely used on NS. I suggested ideas for an amendment to restart voting if a candidate dropped out in the middle of voting, a fictional roleplayed national culture, and different levels of treaties, but they were all rejected too.

So you may be asking is Europeia conservative? Can it ever change? Believe it or not, yes it can change. When you are Europeian, you have to learn to wait for the right time and place to enact big changes in the government. One perfect example of this is the ongoing effort in the Citizen's Assembly to make membership in it automatic to all citizens. This was done by gradually introducing and explaining the bill to those who at first did not understand it. Many showed that having to specifically apply for membership is only a huge hassle.

Another example is switching from the Senate Aide program to the Citizens' Assembly Representative Program (CARP). Senate Aides, which no longer exist, were individuals that helped Senators with drafting legislation and researching prior to being brought to the Senate floor. Now Europeia has dramatically switched to a program that makes citizens more involved by having several representatives from the Citizens' Assembly work directly with the Senate where they help improve legislation and participate in discussions put forth by Senators.

So, for those who aren't quite used to the big world of Europeia, don't worry. You slowly learn the soul of moderate politics and can pick out bits in our government that really need change instead of dramatic ideas as I tried doing. That is the beauty of Europeia.
By.... Ervald?

Good piece even if the author's name is missing. :p
As soon as I saw a reply, just now, I realized I had forgotten that.

Yes! All credit goes to Ervald!
A very thoughtful piece!
Thanks, everybody! Although, I give credit to everybody in Comms who helped edited my piece.