Presidential Candidate Interviews

Today, Election Day, EBC reporter Calvin Coolidge interviewed both presidential candidates on an array of topics. Both interviews' transcripts are included in this article.

Calvin Coolidge: First question: If you had an undecided voter in front of you, what would you say is the biggest difference between you and Ogastein, to help them with their decision?

Kraketopia: I think the biggest difference is that I've proven to be a capable and effective leader, whereas Ogastein hasn't had a chance to prove that yet. The only real leadership position he's had has been CA Chair, and even that has been lukewarm.
But really it's about the ideas, and I believe my platform addresses Euro's needs in a more rational, experience based manner.

Calvin Coolidge: Are you saying that Ogastein's plan is not rational? If so, why?

Kraketopia: I'm not saying his platform isn't rational, a lot of it does make sense. I'm saying that I believe my ideas to be more well thought out. Folding Comm into Culture isn't a solution, it's an attempt to avoid the problem. I bring a solution to the table.
Just like with interior, creating two ministries doesn't make sense, there simply wouldn't be enough for the recruitment side to do to warrant it having a ministry.

Calvin Coolidge: Okay, speaking of Interior, you have a plan to appoint a Deputy Minister to Interior, to address its current problems. Run me through how that will help.

Kraketopia: Currently MoI is a very heavy portfolio, especially with how we want to expand newcomer integration. So giving someone a deputy role will allow them to handle the recruitment side of things while the minister can focus on newcomer integration.
It also creates a more formalized position for training to take place. That's always been an issue with interior, there usually aren't that many people sitting in the wings to take it over. It's not a popular portfolio, and it requires some know how.
So having someone trained the term before as an option for next term's Cabinet just makes sense.

Calvin Coolidge: All right, so how is that really different than Ogastein's plan? Isn't that the same thing, just without formally splitting the Ministry?

Kraketopia: Yes and no. It doesn't require a separate subforum, nor a senate confirmation, and it doesn't require having staff have to be listed under both ministries. Also, this model is more conducive to the training of the deputy.

Calvin Coolidge: So, now that the election is underway, you are pulling ahead of your opponent by an increasing margin. What do you think voters are responding to about your campaign?

Kraketopia: I think what I mentioned earlier. I think they're responding to the proven dedication and competency of the Kraken/Lex ticket, and the fact that our campaign ideas are more thought out.

Calvin Coolidge: Last question: If your presidency could only focus on one Ministry for the rest of your term, what would it be, and why?

Kraketopia: That's not really a fair question, as any administration with a sole focus would quickly fall behind. So I'm not really into this question. But I will say that the GAP will be getting a lot of focus. This is it's fly or die moment, essentially, and I'm going to ensure it flies.

Calvin Coolidge: Thank you for your time.

Kraketopia: Thank you for having me.

Calvin Coolidge: First question: If you had an undecided voter in front of you, what would you say is the biggest difference between you and Kraketopia, to help them with their decision?

Ogastein: I believe when you look at both campaigns there was a stark difference, in my opinion: More of the same or a more bold path forward. Of course, many of the policies were similar but I would say my campaign valued a different way of doing things.
I also think undecided voters would see a willingness to take risks and be more adventurous in governing on my part

Calvin Coolidge: What would you say is the thing that your campaign valued most differently from your opponent?

Ogastein: Well, that's a tough one but I would believe I listened to criticism and questioning with more attention. Often times I felt, and I think others did as well, that Kraken was slightly dismissive of criticisms of his term.
I think the incumbent has a lot of advantages, often times that includes the work they did during the preceding term, but Kraken seemed to dismiss those concerns, particularly about the GAP and the EBC.
I answered every single question with detail whereas if he got multiple questions, he usually lumped them together. Just a slight difference but in terms of transparency, I think my campaign was more transparent.

Calvin Coolidge: Let's talk about transparency: your transparency act failed in the Senate, but not in the CA. What do you think that says about the current mindset of the region?

Ogastein: Well, I would love to say that it say we're some authoritative regime but that's just not the case. I think that discussion put pressure on the EAAC to actually release a report and they did just that.
I've talks found this quote by Margaret Thatcher true but that bill really reinforced my view:
"Consensus: "The process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values, and policies in search of something in which no one believes, but to which no one objects; the process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved, merely because you cannot get agreement on the way ahead. What great cause would have been fought and won under the banner: "I stand for consensus?"

At the end of the day, many noted that it "lacked bite." Senators these days need the bill to *spell* out everything that the law must require or else it will not be passed.
I've never been particularly fond of that philosophy. It's also about *why* the law was passed. I discussed that in my "Joy of Jaywalking" article. Under a legal challenge, the preamble is considered. It doesn't compel any sort of action but the spirit of the law is clear.

Calvin Coolidge: Now that the election is underway, your opponent is pulling away by an increasing margin. Why do you think that is?

Ogastein: Look, I entered this election after a lot of thought. I did not think I would be as viable a candidate as I could be in say, 6 months. I entered into a number of discussions with many people and mused about having an opposition to this President. No one bit.
So people encouraged me to run and I answered the call.
For four terms, 8 long months in Europeia, we've seen Anumia or Kraken as President. Arguably both are quite similar. Many people have no other standard to judge this term to other than Anumia's. If you're looking at that comparison, it hasn't been that bad.
I've been around for a while so I know that we could be doing a lot more. I was very serious when I spoke about complacency in my platform.
I do think I ran a very interesting campaign so I would maybe credit it to that? I'm not entirely sure though.

Calvin Coolidge: Last question: If your presidency could only focus on one Ministry for the whole term, what would it be, and why?

Ogastein: When we started the GAP, it was supposed to be this amazing project. The GREAT Architecture Project. That said, we haven't seen the results that we've been promised. I would focus on Foreign Cultivation so we could see some results and movement on this department. IF we don't see any soon, I fear that it could languish.

Calvin Coolidge: Thank you for your time.

Ogastein: No problem, it was a pleasure to be interviewed :)
Well done, Calvin I miss your usual brand of humor in your writing, but I suppose that was perhaps .... less appropriate for a more serious electoral column such as this one. Definitely an interesting piece, and I appreciate your effort on putting this together. (And, of course, thanks to the candidates themselves for participating!)
Oh sorry, it's just that your quotes were a bit screwy, and I parsed the .gif as part of your signature instead of your post :unsure:
Calvin Coolidge said:
Kraketopia: I think the biggest difference is that I've proven to be a capable and effective leader, whereas Ogastein hasn't had a chance to prove that yet. The only real leadership position he's had has been CA Chair, and even that has been lukewarm.
So nobody's going to bother pointing out the fact that this is an outright lie, huh?

The part about OO not having leadership, or the part where Kraken considers not sacking two inactive Comm Ministers capable and effective leadership? :ph43r:
Or the part about OO's CA term being "lukewarm"? Because Charlotte already objected to that, but then again nobody listens to her anymore. :p
Yeah, CSP I was on my phone when I read that part. I think it's quite outrageous to believe the only "real leadership position" OO held was as Chairman. :p Once upon a time he did a hell of a lot more for the region then a lot of people care to remember. It's also laughable his great term is considered "lukewarm." It's great one of the only real EBC articles posted in two months contains completely true and unbiased material.
Well it is an interview, both Candidate Oga and President Kraken were able to say what they wanted. Some follow up such as "you're full of shit" would have been nice, but sometimes it's up to dear reader to recognize when someone either doesn't know what they're talking about is preposterous. If Oga's term was lukewarm, hopefully President Kraken was doing something besides testing the temperature of the water in the CA - otherwise we should ask ourselves what kind of leader President Kraken is
PhDre said:
The part about OO not having leadership, or the part where Kraken considers not sacking two inactive Comm Ministers capable and effective leadership? :ph43r:
What part of Yuri got fired and Shin quit before too long is hard to understand? :p
Anumia said:
PhDre said:
The part about OO not having leadership, or the part where Kraken considers not sacking two inactive Comm Ministers capable and effective leadership? :ph43r:
What part of Yuri got fired and Shin quit before too long is hard to understand? :p
It was pretty apparent that not much was happening in either case. A four week (give or take) grace period is unreasonable
Suppose we take, in that give or take, by a week or so. Three weeks in the job, and they should be fired? Aside from the fact that the overall point is disproven (he did sack at least one Minister), now we're arguing over a specific time period, which is rather different to whether or not they would be fired at all.