Faux News: Anumia and Unibot?!?!?

Anumia and Unibot - Lovers?

Faux News has obtained telegrams exchanged between Anumia's main nation, and a nation going by Unibot. It is believed that this nation is the real Unibot, and are certainly not jumping to conclusions in any way possible. What is certain, is that these telegrams were exchanged:

Dearest Anumia,

For a while now I have admired you from afar. Your chiseled marble, your administrative prowess, and your penchant for obscure fetishes. I know that being a statue your chest is solid marble, but if you were to let my love in, my pure, Unibotian love, I would chisel a heart into that flawless marble. Then I wouldn't have to ask for directions to your heart, I'd hold the map. I'd be your secret little erotic GPS.

I desire you Anumia. I ran out of sugar for my coffee, lend me your lips to sweeten it. And sweeten it you would with your magnetic charm, and what I'm sure is a well endowed pelvis. I know that a man of your stature has trouble committing to monagomy, so we could include Lethen and CSP in our bedtime affairs if you so desire. The three of you could invade my fortress, so to speak, but be careful, us fendas know how to defend our bases :p

Imagine the beautiful symphony of lust we could create, if you would only give in to me. I eagerly await your next response.
Dreaming of our next embrace,

Anumia: What the bloody hell :p

I take it from your open tongue emoticon you're not completely closed off to the idea of a tryst between us. Come on Anumia, our years of debating on the forums has gotten you just as hot and sweaty as me. Sometimes I have to rush to the shower for a cooling shower before I completely drench my household furniture in sweat(anymore than usual that is). Please write back to me soon, my love.


At this point the exchange became too explicit for Faux News to publish. Pictures were taken, but the film caught fire when we attempted to develop it. Our photographer soon after gouged his eyes out, and is now seeking extensive psychiatric care. Further information is sure to come on this scandalous affair.

Anumia said:
I knew from Earth! flail.gif
Anumia, did you seduce Earth so she'd leave Unibot, so you could have him all to yourself? Because that's stooping pretty low...
Kraketopia said:
Anumia said:
I knew from Earth! flail.gif
Anumia, did you seduce Earth so she'd leave Unibot, so you could have him all to yourself? Because that's stooping pretty low...
I'm not saying that something -similar- hasn't happened before, with other people, but, no. :p
Anumia said:
Kraketopia said:
Anumia said:
I knew from Earth! flail.gif
Anumia, did you seduce Earth so she'd leave Unibot, so you could have him all to yourself? Because that's stooping pretty low...
I'm not saying that something -similar- hasn't happened before, with other people, but, no. :p
Oh, do give Faux News an exclusive! An in depth tell all of the dirty pillows in the Goldenblock.

We'd love to hear Rach's too. I'm sure she could fill threads upon threads :emb:
Kraketopia said:
Anumia said:
I knew from Earth! flail.gif
Anumia, did you seduce Earth so she'd leave Unibot, so you could have him all to yourself? Because that's stooping pretty low...
C'mon, now, Kraken. You know the real story is that Anumia was worried that Uni was only using him as a boytoy on the side, so he talked to Earth and then found out that they'd broken up. Nothing like some no-strings-attached rebound fling, right? *waggles eyebrows*
I'll see what other Faux News I can dig up, Kraken. I'll pass along some tips when I can ... *ninja-mouse*