New Cabinet and VP

Vice President: Swakistek
Grand Admiral: Swakistek again!
Foreign Affairs: Swakistek's left toe, it's all that's needed.
Interior: Swakistek's evil twin brother Ketsikaws
Culture: Cultural Swakistek
Welfare: Guess who? Don't be a silly... it's Swak :p

It's been long over due!

[hide=note]Note: For Swakistek and those at Fox Aftermath News, this was a joke :p[/hide]
I will vote against his confirmation. But only as Culture Minister.
I will protest that and urge the Senate not to be an unnecessarily burden! The red tape is ridiculous. By having Swak do all positions, we increase accountability (only two people to keep account of) while reducing red tape! :p

EDIT: Ah, damn. I was unbelievably over the moon until I read your note. :p

I don't know, I kind of agree with your 'joke' arguments. :lol:
And hold on...I only have three toes? Otherwise Rachel would have to be clearer as to which of my left toes she wanted as Minister of Foreign Affairs...don't pick the extreme left one, though, he's a pretty committed communist. If I may make a suggestion, closer to centre-left would be best. ^_^
Supreme Chancellor: Swakistek
President: Swakistek
Vice President: Swakistek
Grand Admiral: Swakistek again!
Foreign Affairs: Swakistek's left toe, it's all that's needed.
Interior: Swakistek's evil twin brother Ketsikaws
Culture: Cultural Swakistek
Welfare: Guess who? Don't be a silly... it's Swak :p

Senate Speaker: Swakistek
Senators: Swakistek

City Council Mayor: Swakistek

Chief Justice: Swakistek
Associate Justices: Swakistek

Our Population: 852 Swakisteks [-48 Swakisteks]
Target to Beat: Swakistek
WA Delegate: Swakistek
NS Regional Power: Swalistekly High

It's been long over due!

[hide=note]Note: For Swakistek and those at Fox Aftermath News, this was a joke :p[/hide]
Fixed ^_^
Supreme Chancellor: Swakistek
President: Swakistek
Vice President: Swakistek
Grand Admiral: Swakistek again!
Foreign Affairs: Swakistek's left toe, it's all that's needed.
Interior: Swakistek's evil twin brother Ketsikaws
Culture: Cultural Swakistek
Welfare: Guess who? Don't be a silly... it's Swak :p

Senate Speaker: Swakistek
Senators: Swakistek

City Council Mayor: Swakistek

Chief Justice: Swakistek
Associate Justices: Swakistek

Our Population: 852 Swakisteks [-48 Swakisteks]
Target to Beat: Swakistek
WA Delegate: Swakistek
NS Regional Power: Swalistekly High

It's been long over due!

[hide=note]Note: For Swakistek and those at Fox Aftermath News, this was a joke :p[/hide]
Fixed ^_^
I am Europeia. :p