My Thoughts on FRA

NS Foreign Policy

I was never comfortable with the idea of FRA in TUK, I didn’t know much about it but it was something I had a fear of due to my EoE beginnings.

When I ran for Prime Minister, I discussed whether or not we should remain a part of it with the King and the Chief Justice. The conclusion was that in order for us to gain the benefits of FRA, we had to play a greater role in it. If not, we should just leave. Talking to members of FRA, they agreed.

Looking back, I wonder what we actually gained. Security was a minus; they rarely helped and if they did it was like pulling teeth. This is despite joining FRA makes your region more of a target and telling us that they’d help (a very FRA theme). I wasted time being a rep (in TUK it was the PM and MoD), time better spent in the actual region itself. FA was minus, most FRA regions are small and inactive and TUK was a big region. Regions I wouldn’t bother to open embassies with in a 100 nation region, let alone a 300 one. It handicapped our FA.

Did the FRA make our military better? Or was it my Minister of Defense? I think he was talented enough to do it on his own.

TUK went downhill when we put more time into FRA and less time into the region itself. FRA was an “issue” it was never a solution. Others and I spent time trying to fix the whole “FRA issue” like we spent time trying to fix the FA, recruiting and other real issues facing TUK.

Now, my biggest issue with FRA. When our Founder took over the region you’d think that given that it was the government which had joined FRA that they would stand with the government. The government, which put time into FRA and that, loaned its time and its soldiers for FRA. Yet, there was nothing. There was no support, despite us asking for it. It was our enemies that were giving us support. We asked for FRA to drop us, so as not to recognize the founder and do you know what they did?

They kept us and tried to reach out to George in the hopes of keeping the region in FRA. They left us out to dry; when we were in trouble they dumped us. This is from the self-proclaimed “morally superior” defenders. They used us, they ask for everything and give nothing.

Which brings me back to why TUK had joined and stayed, where were these so-called benefits to the region? It’s something they offer to regions, vague promises of benefits. When regions complain about it, they say that the region has to work harder in order to get these benefits. Regions get caught believing this and TUK was one of them. All the while they use your regions resources, let’s take your reps time. Let’s take your militaries members times. Let’s take members for our government. Let’s take members for our Rangers.

I think that regions should really be more aggressive about this and not just accept what FRA says. Actually pressure them, asking them what they’ll actually gain because FRA will not be honest about the benefits and drawbacks and why should they be? Here is the paradox, they say they want regions to join and offer them benefits. Yet really, they are recruiting and so will not give a fully honest answer. Hence, the relationship right from the start is not one based on honesty and not one based on mutual benefit. They claim that regions are a member of an equal alliance, yet they’re being recruited by the “FRA”. It’s its own organization, when TUK was a member we dealt with it. We didn’t feel like a mutual member.

It’s more about what’s best for FRA rather than what is best for the actual region. They don’t care about the well being of the region.

It’s the same in UK. They are debating leaving, their population is in decline and the region is frequently “boring” (according to it's members). Yet once again, FRA only comes to UK so that they may keep the region and it’s resources. Talking once again of benefits. The cycle goes on.
My daughter :wub:

For what it's worth, not all defender organisations are like that. Not all defenders are like that. I think, in time, although we're fortunately mostly out of the era where both sides attacked forums and such, many of the defenders of this age are becoming less...the selfless heroes...and more...just people fighting a war. A war for which they need resources.
Speaking militarily, if you in a founderless region of any appreciable size, it is the natives, and not the defenders, who provide the greatest threat to an invader delegate. I won't explain exactly how, but.. trust me, if I've learned anything while raiding, it's that. Defenders are far less effective because they can't be everywhere, they can't always be watching, and they have limited resources. Put your trust and your efforts into your own defence first, and if you run into trouble, reach to those who are most likely to help you.

Of course, if you've been on this forum and become friends with its members, chances are the FRA won't want to help you...
Part of the issue may also be that they laughed off the war for too long. By seeking to downplay and ignore it, it wasn't anything of interest or fun. By comparison, while I don't necessarily see entirely eye-to-eye with the idea of the constant war against the FRA (of regions like the LKE and TNI etc), it does provide with a handy campaign "We're at war! Join the military! Pay attention to our victories!" Things are more important when you're at war.
Incidentally, the whole "get regions to join offer help after they help first" was basically my job description as Grand Architect of the Aeazen Combine.
My daughter :wub:

For what it's worth, not all defender organisations are like that. Not all defenders are like that. I think, in time, although we're fortunately mostly out of the era where both sides attacked forums and such, many of the defenders of this age are becoming less...the selfless heroes...and more...just people fighting a war. A war for which they need resources.
Any organization that is founded on Idealism and exists for long time will become douchey and abandon its ideals.

Things happen 'faster' here on NS because its on the internet, but that RL rule holds true for NS as well.
My daughter :wub:

For what it's worth, not all defender organisations are like that. Not all defenders are like that. I think, in time, although we're fortunately mostly out of the era where both sides attacked forums and such, many of the defenders of this age are becoming less...the selfless heroes...and more...just people fighting a war. A war for which they need resources.
Any organization that is founded on Idealism and exists for long time will become douchey and abandon its ideals.

Things happen 'faster' here on NS because its on the internet, but that RL rule holds true for NS as well.
Interestingly, Unibot (the Arch-Chancellor of FRA) says that he's an idealist.
My daughter :wub:

For what it's worth, not all defender organisations are like that. Not all defenders are like that. I think, in time, although we're fortunately mostly out of the era where both sides attacked forums and such, many of the defenders of this age are becoming less...the selfless heroes...and more...just people fighting a war. A war for which they need resources.
Any organization that is founded on Idealism and exists for long time will become douchey and abandon its ideals.

Things happen 'faster' here on NS because its on the internet, but that RL rule holds true for NS as well.
Interestingly, Unibot (the Arch-Chancellor of FRA) says that he's an idealist.
Cynics view everyone as equally corruptible. Idealists view everyone as equally corruptible...except themselves.

Seriously though, what one calls themself doesn't matter much when it comes to labels like 'idealist'. I can call myself an Optimist all I want (I don't) but unless my actions and words prove that I'm an Optimist (or I do a good job at pretending) people are going to see me for what I am:

A Cynical Pessimistic Misanthrope.
Rule 2 - Don't continue with things like this rule thing long after it got old, which is usually after the second or third go.
Rule 1: Make as many rules as you want

Rule 17: If someone says 'stop making rules' or something to that effect, continue to do so.