Europeian Question Time - Number 5


Hey Hey Hey Everyone! Welcome to the fifth installment of EQT! We're about halfway through this current term in Euroepia and boy have we seen some changes! So now it's time to look in at how Europeia's been doing and what our future will look like!

Our panel tonight consists of such an eclectic group. President of Europeia Earth22 , Foreign Affairs Minister Jusduckria, and Senators and former presidential candidates Sopo and Swakistek. A big thank you to all of you for being here tonight.

Now it's time to dive into the issues! Let's begin:

What state do you think the region is in right now, overall? Are we in a good position, a bad one, mediocre?

It's a pleasure being here, OO. :D

I, personally, think Europeia is in a good position. The focus is to continue where Rougiers left off, and to just get down to business and work.
I think, right now, we're in a good position. We haven't had any major 'omgz' since Rougiers resigned, at least in my humble opinion. I'm trying to keep things like that without going stagnant. I hope the Wedding ( :D ) and the HoF Ceremony will keep activity high tonight as well as the plans that are in the works.
I agree with both of my fellow panelists. It is my belief that Europeia is currently in a stable position, although the change of leadership was slightly destabilising, and I think we need to build a solid foundation on which we can grow well into the future.

However, I think that some people are becoming a little disheartened that we're not growing as much as perhaps we would like, and so there might be a goal for our Executive to work on in that regard. Of course, I'm no longer privy to Cabinet information, so I'm sure that Earth22 is working on something up in 21 Tomlinson, and doubtless we should see the fruits of the collective labours of Cabinet shortly.
O.K., let's switch gears a bit. What do you think about everyone dropping out of the race for Chief Justice, leaving Oliver Grey the sole candidate? Is he really that good? And does it hurt the other former candidates credibility in the future?
I think he's definitely the best candidate - the only one, from what I've seen and feel, who would do better is Anumia.

In regards to your second question, I think that, yes, to some extent, it may hurt the candidates. "I'm running for this position...oh wait, this guy comes up and he seems to be better and has a lot of support...I'm pulling out".

Now, I'm not saying that any of the candidates had thought that. But that's the impression that is given. And, further, the point of elections is to try and convince the voters that you are the best person for the job. If not even you believe that, why should the public?

Now, the Chief Justice position is different from that of, say, Senator or President/Vice President. There are more opportunities to show how different or unique one can be in those positions. Chief Justice, on the other hand, is a position that requires the incumbent to study the Law Index, and weigh opinions and be careful and neutral to the best extent possible. I think it would be more of a blow to someone's candidacy if they had been running for Senator or President.
*checks watch*

Oh, we started? :p

I was one of those running for Chief Justice. I entered the race fully believing that I was the best candidate for the job, unaware that any more experienced candidates planned to run. Upon Ollie's entrance into the race, I ceased to be the best candidate for the job. I do not want to mislead the citizens of Europeia, nor do I want them to have any less than the best. I will most likely seek the position again in the future when I have more Judicial experience.

Perhaps it will hurt me in future elections, but I believe it is better to take that hit than continue a candidacy even I no longer had confidence in.
Oliver Grey is an amazing justice. He's got the skill for the position and really is that good.

For the competitors, I don't think it hurts them. Someone else entered the race that they felt would do a better job. I think that's respectful of them, not harmful to them.
Lets shift gears to the other big election going on right now. After many, many attempts Fortana has finally broken through to the Senate. How do y'all feel about him being a Senator? Did he clearly beat Cordova? Why?
I think that the result is an interesting one (Fort: 14; Cord: 11), but perhaps not as surprising as one might think. Fortana is more well known as a legislator, with his work in the City Council, whereas while Cord has lots of Senate experience already, he's not in the public eye as a legislator. I would also be interested to hear other views on this, and I will undoubtedly see some of those from my fellow panelists. :)
I think he clearly beat Cordova, seeing as Cordova conceded. ;)

I think Swakistek hit it on the nose pretty much. Fortana had been active both as a City Councillor and Minister of Culture. Plus, he's been running pretty much every Senate election since I've been here, and that sort of determination is always noticed and lauded. Cordova, on the other hand, while active, had just resigned as Chief Justice, which isn't a position that lends itself to public activity most of the time (which is both a good and a bad thing), and, while he served an incredible number of terms in the Senate, it had been some time, and so, in my opinion, was regarded as similar to a newbie or how Fortana had been perceived in previous elections.

In regards to him being a Senate, he's already proposed some legislation further defining the Minister of Culture's position and duties - something that was part of his platform.

I think he'll be a fine Senator, like the rest of my colleagues, and I hope he holds onto his seat once the general election rolls around.
I agree with my fellow panelists here. Fortana's been around in the eye as a legislator, while most of us have only seen Cordova in action as a great Chief Justice. I think that after seeing him in the CC for a bit and gaining confidence in that as well as his vast experience, we'll sometime see him again in the Senate. With Fortana, I hope he has a great rest-of-term and wish him luck. :) I have no doubts he'll do great.
I, too, agree with the other panelists.
Let's move on to something a bit more "juicy." With presidential elections coming this month, Who's going to run for president? What's your ideal ticket?
Falc, Swak, possibly PhDre. I want to see PhDre on a ticket, for sure. Either as President or VP. Maybe Sopo/Jus again, but I doubt that. I'm not really sure for next term, it's a wait and see in my opinion.
Firstly, I shall neither confirm nor deny that I am running for President. I know that makes me sound like a CIA spook, but that's how I am until the time is right for the release of such information.

While it is fairly likely that the TCU will put up a Presidential candidate, I think it is possible but not probable that the EMP would put up a candidate. If they did so, I think it would most likely be in a coalition agreement with an independent, like the Sopo/Jus ticket, but like Earth, I think it unlikely.

I'm also going to suggest that perhaps Earth22 might be looking for reelection...I'm not so sure about PhDre though; he may not be inclined that way, but you never know.
Unless I break my leg or something happens to prevent me from leaving for camp after this term is up, I'm not around to run again until I get back in August. :)
I'm hoping to see either PhDre, Jus, or both out in the Presidential field. Of course, there are others who would make excellent candidates as well.

As far as actual predictions, I would say that the NCP will most likely have a Presidential candidate, and TCU will probably have one (although the strength of such a ticket without Falc may be questionable).

I will neither confirm nor deny that the EMP will have a ticket, and I will also neither confirm nor deny that I would be on such a ticket, or any ticket at all. However, I will say that I plan to have the EMP involved in the Presidential elections somehow. We will not be absent.