Recent content by Sopo

  1. Sopo

    Eurovision Predictions - Semifinals First Night!

    I know it's streaming on Peacock in the US, but I will be at work and can't watch live. I'm hoping I can watch it on Peacock after air or watch the YouTube stream after air via VPN...
  2. Sopo

    MGC Sanctions: Widely Unpopular, but Marginally Effective? - GRC Independent Study

    I am quite out of the loop, so my opinions should be taken with a grain of salt. That said, it seems we are stuck in a holding pattern and will be stuck in these wars and with these sanctions forever, regardless of how effective they are. And they don't seem to be particularly effective. I am...
  3. Sopo

    Senate clerks embezzled millions from parkade, AG says

    Casting Greta Thunberg as DH is an incredible choice
  4. Sopo

    Administrative Team Update - January 2024

    I would like to thank @HEM and all of the other admins that I had the pleasure to serve with for their faith in me. It was by far the most important job I had in Europeia, and I know the community is in good hands. Congratulations to Maowi and Peeps!
  5. Sopo

    Admin Task Thread

  6. Sopo

    Administrative Update: Festavo/Dionysus

    To clarify this point, Festavo was a member of Europeia at the time of the ban, had served in Cabinet, and had recently run for President. He was very much a part of the community. The ban was "preemptive" insofar as the behavior seen off-site had not, to our knowledge, yet occurred here (though...
  7. Sopo

    ENN Staff

    And @Elio has agreed to join the team as Assistant Editor!
  8. Sopo

    ENN Staff

    I am excited to welcome @Rand and @Sincluda as interns for the spring semester.
  9. Sopo

    [Arnhelm Alt] The Ole Gal Rides On

    Good luck, McEntire. We've been through a lot together. We've disagreed a lot, especially lately, but I have always held you in high regard and hope you find success wherever you're headed.
  10. Sopo

    ENN Gossip Blog

    an interesting thought - but will the Senate wait? maybe if no one has the votes
  11. Sopo

    ENN Gossip Blog

    hello sir we here at the gossip blog do not reveal our sources because sometimes they don't exist
  12. Sopo

    ENN Gossip Blog

    The Other Election With Elio a strong contender for the Presidency, rumor has it that senators are posturing to take over the Speakership. The public eye will be turning toward legislation as the Constitutional Convention kicks into gear. The new Speaker, should Elio win, will likely have...
  13. Sopo

    [RESULTS] EBC Jan. '24 Poll: Presidential Re-Run, Senate Midterm

    Thank you for putting this together, and for the thorough analysis! Elio is ahead by a bit more than I expected based on ~vibes~... if I had to predict, I'd say we're looking at a 50-40-10 Elio-JayDee-McEntire split. I suspect McEntire will siphon a handful of votes from Elio - perhaps enough...
  14. Sopo

    Opinion: Ministers Need Freedom

    Hard agree - and I think we should be limiting it as much as feasible. This philosophy also applies to staff members too - when we can let them do things they're excited about, they're more likely to want to do it, as you said.
  15. Sopo

    Opinion: Ministers Need Freedom

    "Opinion: Ministers Need Freedom" Sopo Managing Editor, ENN Burnout. It's a problem. Both presidential tickets seek to address it in different ways. I agree that it's a symptom of high expectations and too much work, but I think there's more to it. We expect presidential candidates to lay out...